Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Local code of conduct - disclosable pecuniary interests'
- Councillor Liz Hogger - Non Pecuniary - 21/P/00428 – Howard of Effingham School
Councillor Liz Hogger declared a non-pecuniary interest in the above application and stated that although she is a member of Effingham Parish Council, she did not comment or vote on any planning applications which come before the parish council. She did not therefore participate in the parish council’s decision to object to this application.
Secondly, her husband is a trustee for Effingham Village Recreation Trust, which owns the KGV Fields to the south of the application site. He has submitted an objection on behalf of the Trust and not in a personal capacity.
Councillor Hogger confirmed that neither of these issues would affect her judgement on this application, and she would approach the discussion on the application tonight with an open mind to all the arguments made.