To renew contract for 2 years with an option
to extend by 12 months plus 12 months
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 05/10/2022
Decision due: 7 Oct 2022 by Joint Assistant Director: Community Services
Lead member: Leader of the Council and Lead Councillor for Housing
Lead director: Joint Assistant Director: Community Services
Contact: Siobhan Rumble, Interim Executive Head of Neighbourhood Housing Siobhan Rumble Email:
Consultation process
Source of authority to take decision: Part 3 of the Council Constitution, page and relevant paragraph e.g. 04.04.22 page 3-52, paragraph 2 (c) general delegations
Authority / Delegation: Part 3 of the Council Constitution, page and relevant paragraph e.g. 04.04.22 page 3-52, paragraph 2 (c) general delegations