Issue - decisions

Gypsy and Traveller Transit Site Provision in Surrey

17/02/2021 - Gypsy and Traveller Transit Site Provision in Surrey



(1)   That the provision of a Gypsy and Traveller Transit Site in Surrey, as progressed by the Surrey Leaders’ Group, be supported and that the Council commits to a one-off contribution of £127,000 in capital funding for the construction of the site and an annual contribution of £7,500 revenue funding for the maintenance of the site.


(2)   That the £115,000 for Traveller encampments remaining on the provisional capital programme (Scheme PL60(p)) be repurposed and that a virement of £12,000 be taken from the contingency fund to increase the budget to £127,000.


(3)   That the provisional budget be transferred to the approved capital programme.



To enable Surrey County Council to build a 10-pitch transit site that will enable the Police to invoke their section 62A powers under the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 and help manage unauthorised encampments across the county.


Other options considered and rejected by the Executive:



Details of any conflict of interest declared by the lead or lead councillors and any dispensation granted:
