1. To approve the closure of the recycling ‘bring’ sites across the borough, converting two – Station Parade in East Horsley and Portsmouth Road in Guildford – to flats recycling collection points.
2. To cease the supply of refuse sacks to the 1,917 properties that currently receive them but to continue the supply of recycling sacks.
3. To cease supplying 7L internal food waste caddies for use in residents’ kitchens.
4. To continue to supply 23L external kerbside food waste caddies.
5. To continue the supply of recycling bins.
Acceptance of the proposals to close the ‘bring’ sites, cease the supply of refuse sacks and cease the supply of 7L internal food waste caddies allows a reduction in costs to the taxpayer with relatively little operational or customer service impact. Continuing the supply of 23L external kerbside food waste caddies and recycling bins allows the current service provision to continue uninterrupted while we wait for the impending recycling service regulatory update.
Other options considered and rejected by the Executive:
1. ‘Bring’ sites
Option 1 - Do nothing – keep all 22 bring sites operating as currently.
Option 2 - Reduce the numbers of bring sites – reviewing the distribution of sites would lead to a limited cost saving dependent on which sites were closed.
2. Refuse and recycling sack provision
Option 1 - Do nothing – continue to supply both refuse and recycling sacks.
Option 3 - Stopping the supply of both refuse and recycling sacks – offering a cost saving of £46,302 annually (through the ceasing of all sack supply and delivery).
3. Small kitchen food waste caddy provision
Option 1 - Do nothing – continue to supply the 7L internal caddy for use within residents’ kitchen.
Option 3 - Charge for 7L internal kitchen caddies – this charge would need to be around £15 per container to cover the purchase, administration and delivery costs. There would be an online order system development cost of £4,500 and the demand may create an additional requirement for an additional delivery driver and vehicle as purchased containers would need to be delivered where they are currently collected from Parish Councils and the Millmead office.
4. Charging for food waste caddies
Option 2 - Stop supplying all food waste caddies – this would provide a cost saving of £7,160 for the 7L internal caddies and £26,007 for the provision of 23L external caddies. There is no saving on delivery costs as these are not delivered. This option would require residents to provide their own caddies which is expected to reduce use of the food waste service, prompting more food waste to end up in the refuse bins and would raise health and safety concerns stemming from the use of uncertified containers by our crews leaving us liable for any crew injury.
Option 3 - Charging for all caddies – We have identified that we would need to charge around £15 for a small caddy and £17 for a large caddy to cover the cost of the container, administration and delivery costs. There would also be an online order system development cost of £4,500.
5. Charging for recycling bins
Option 2 - Charge for delivery only – this would provide cost savings of approximately £7,200 annually but would also have an online order development cost of £4,500.
Option 3 - Charge for containers and their delivery – this would generate cost savings of approximately £35,000 annually but would also have a system development cost of £4,500.
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