Issue - decisions

Grant Contracted-Out Lease of Unit B3 41 Moorfield Rd, Moorfield Point Slyfield Industrial Estate

30/06/2022 - Grant Contracted-Out Lease of Unit B3 41 Moorfield Rd, Moorfield Point Slyfield Industrial Estate

To approve the grant the lease of the above industrial unit to CROWN PAINT LTD in line with the following terms and conditions:

• For a term of 15 years at a rent outside the Act 1954
• Rent of £39,474 per annum exclusive, payable quarterly in advance
• A rent free period of 8 mths
• Tenant break in year 10
• Rent review 5th and 10th anniversary

This provides the ‘best consideration reasonably obtainable’ where the proposed term exceeds seven (7) years.

If you have any queries, then please contact Jacqueline Stewart who will be happy to provide further information.