Issue - decisions

Shere Parish Council Car Park – Introduction of Charges

26/01/2022 - Shere Parish Council Car Park – Introduction of Charges


1.     That the request by Shere Parish Council to make charges for the use of their car park under the 2008 agreement be approved.

2.     That authority be delegated to the Head of Operational and Technical Services in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Environment to agree the tariffs that can be applied by the Parish Council for parking in this car park now and at any future review requested by the Parish Council.



1.     To enable the Parish Council to raise revenues for the ongoing upkeep of the car park and other parish activities.

2.     To ensure that tariffs for parking in this car park are appropriately balanced between the needs of the Parish Council and against the need to ensure that tariffs do not result in unintended consequences in the wider parish and neighbouring areas. To also allow future flexibility in the setting of those charges.


Other options considered and rejected by the Executive:



Details of any conflict of interest declared by the Leader or lead councillors and any dispensation granted:
