Agenda item

20/P/00737 - Orchard Walls, Beech Avenue, Effingham, Leatherhead, KT24 6JS


The Committee considered the above-mentioned full application for demolition of existing property and erection of 6 dwellings with a new access provided onto Beech Close.  (Amended description with amended plans received 21 July 2021 – changing the housing mix to provide smaller homes).


The application had been deferred at the Planning Committee meeting held on 31 March 2021 so the applicant could confirm the commuted sum for affordable housing.


The Committee received a presentation from the Senior Planning Officer, James Overall.   The site was located on a corner plot on the junction with Beech Close and Beech Avenue and was allocated in the Effingham Neighbourhood Plan for residential development for up to 6 dwellings.  Fifty per cent of the dwellings were now comprised of two bedrooms and an appropriate affordable housing contribution had been secured of £98,211.83 via the S106 Agreement. 


Several conditions had been recommended, namely conditions 18 and 19 which related to the locally important features that significantly contributed to the character of the surrounding area.  This included the historic wall and beech hedging and the conditions ensured that those features were retained.  It was noted that plots 2 and 3 had integral garages and was important that those garage spaces were kept.  However, a homeowner could make alterations to the internal walls of their dwelling without planning permission as this was not considered to be development.  As such it was not possible to prevent internal garages from being converted to habitable rooms.  Whilst this was not ideal, the recommended condition to remove permitted development relating to Schedule 2 Part 1 Class A would prevent the garage doors from being changed into windows without first seeking planning permission. 


The Committee discussed the application and were happy with the revisions that had resulted from the deferral when it was last considered in March 2021.  The application had been subject to many positive changes given the application was originally for eight very large properties which had now been reduced to six houses comprised of three houses and three two-bedroomed bungalows.  This made it compliant with the Effingham Neighbourhood Plan policy on housing mix which required 50% of the market homes to be two bedrooms.  There were also previously concerns regarding the financial viability of the scheme and this had since been remedied via the affordable housing contribution of £98,211.83. 


A motion was moved and seconded to approve the application which was carried.






















Maddy Redpath





Angela Gunning





Fiona White





Deborah Seabrook





Liz Hogger





Angela Goodwin





Colin Cross





David Bilbe





Bob McShee





Chris Blow





Nigel Manning





Pauline Searle





Ramsey Nagaty





Marsha Moseley





Jon Askew










In conclusion, having taken account of the representations received in relation to the application, the Committee


RESOLVED to approve application 20/P/00737 subject to the amended conditions as detailed on the supplementary late sheets and:


(i)That a s.106 agreement be entered into to secure:


·         a financial contribution for affordable housing


If the terms of the s.106 or wording or the planning conditions are significantly amended as part of ongoing s.106 or planning condition(s) negotiations any changes shall be agreed in consultation with the Chairman of the Planning Committee and lead Ward Member.


(ii)That upon completion of the above, the application be determined by the Head of Place / Director of Service Delivery.  The recommendation is to approve planning permission, subject to conditions:


Addition of a condition and reasoning:

The condition relating to permitted development was mentioned in the report, but accidently missed off. This condition is to be added and reads as follows:

21. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (or any Order revoking or re-enacting or amending those Orders with or without modification), no development within Schedule 2, Part 1, Class A, shall be carried out on the dwellinghouses hereby permitted or within their curtilage.

Reason: Having regard to the size of the dwellings approved, the local planning authority wishes to retain control over any future extensions / outbuildings at the property, in order to safeguard the character of the area and the residential amenities of adjoining properties.


It should be noted that this condition is limited to Class A, as this is considered the main class which would impact dwelling size and could lead to a future unbalance in housing mix.


Alteration to wording of Condition 7:

The development hereby approved shall not be first occupied unless and until space has been laid out within the site in accordance with the approved plan, Drawing No. No.AAL-21-164-PO1, for vehicles to be parked and for vehicles to turn so that they may enter and leave the site in forward gear. Thereafter the parking spaces, garage parking spaces and turning areas shall be retained and maintained for their designated purposes.


Reason: The above condition is required in order that the development should not prejudice highway safety nor cause inconvenience to other highway users.


Alteration to wording of Condition 19:

The existing boundary walls to the site as shown on plan no.AAL-21-164-P01 shall be permanently retained and maintained. It should be noted that the eastward extent of the wall on the northern boundary, as shown on AAL-21-164-P01 is inaccurate. Rather than ending at the side wall of the Crossroads garages in the garden of plot 6, the historic wall continues a few feet further east. This condition therefore seeks retention and maintenance of the boundary wall as it lies, as per plan no.AAL-21-164-P01 with the above description noted.


Reason: In the interests of the character and appearance of the Effingham Conservation Area.


Supporting documents: