Agenda item

Review of Task Groups reporting to the Committee


The Committee noted that Council Procedure Rule 24 (v) required the appointing body to review annually, the continuation of task groups appointed by them. Although the Councillors’ Development Steering Group had been set up originally as an Executive working group, it was agreed in 2015 that the Steering Group, which met quarterly, would report on its work to this Committee.


The Corporate Governance Task Group had been established by the Committee in November 2019 to review a number of corporate governance related matters and had met on ten occasions in 2020-21, and twice already in 2021-22.


The Committee considered a report which reviewed the work carried out by the Steering Group and the Task Group over the past twelve months, and the work they were likely to undertake over the next twelve months. The Committee was asked to agree that the two Groups should continue with their important work and that all five political groups should be represented on them.


Having considered the report, the Committee




(1)        That the Councillors’ Development Steering Group should continue its work and that the numerical allocation of seats on the Steering Group to each political group be agreed as one member per group (plus a nominated deputy) as follows:


Cllr Colin Cross

Cllr Angela Gunning

Cllr Jo Randall

Cllr Pauline Searle

Cllr Catherine Young


(2)        That the terms of reference of the Steering Group be amended as follows:


“To continue to support councillors in their ongoing development and training needs through a clear, structured Action Plan for councillor development that responds to the corporate priorities of the Council fundamental themes that support the vision of the Corporate Plan: Place-making, Community and Innovation.


(3)        That the Corporate Governance Task Group should continue its work and that the numerical allocation of seats on the task group to each political group be agreed as one member per group (plus a nominated deputy) as follows:


Cllr Nigel Manning

Cllr Ramsey Nagaty

Cllr Will Salmon

Cllr Deborah Seabrook

Cllr James Walsh


(4)        That the following matters be added to the work currently being undertaken by the Task Group in considering proposals to promote transparency, and effective communications and reporting:


To discuss and consider:


(a)    the Council’s Constitution regarding the definition and processes for 'Key Decisions' so that any bids, tenders or other activities that may lead to key decisions in future are included in the Forward Plan or communicated to relevant Ward Councillors in a sufficiently timely manner for transparency;

(b)    how we can ensure that any meetings involving lead councillors, officers and the private sector are minuted and available in the public domain; and 

(c)    steps we can take to ensure that any failings in transparency or procedure are communicated to the public by the Council as soon as identified.


(5)        That the membership of the Corporate Governance Task Group shall continue to include a co-opted Independent Member (Murray Litvak) and a Parish Member (Julia Osborn) of this Committee.



·       To recognise the important work that both groups undertake in respect of councillor training and development and reviewing various corporate governance related matters on behalf of this Committee.

·       To comply with the requirement for this Committee to review the continuation of the Councillors’ Development Steering Group and the Corporate Governance Task Group, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 24 (v).


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