Agenda item

Public participation

To receive questions or statements from the public.


(a)   Honorary Freeman Jen Powell, in her capacity as chairman of the Friends of Guildford Museum asked the Lead Councillor for Environment, Councillor James Steel, the following question:


“The Friends of Guildford Museum, whilst realising the financial constraints of Guildford Borough Council, have real concerns about the future of Guildford Museum. Could the Lead Councillor please assure The Friends that every possible avenue would be explored and discussed before any decision is taken?”


The Lead Councillor’s response was as follows:


“The Council are currently developing and reviewing options for the way in which we deliver the full range of services, including the museum and heritage service. Following Covid, the Council’s financial position is significantly compromised meaning we have to address expenditure and reduced income for 2021 and beyond


The situation has been exacerbated by the National Heritage Lottery Fund (NHLF) no longer considering funding bids, including the GBC application to refurbish and extend the museum. The NHLF’s position was a nationwide approach, due to the need to redirect funding in response to Covid. This is disappointing as significant work was carried out to underpin the bid including public consultation and engagement with stakeholders/partners, including the Friends of Guildford Museum.


Guildford's heritage is valuable and intrinsic to the fabric and story of our town, but these are challenging times for the Council and the borough.  I can assure you that officers within the heritage service will be discussing the future of the museum with Friends of Guildford Museum as longstanding advocates and supporters of our heritage.”


Councillor James Steel

Lead Councillor for Environment


(ii)            Gavin Morgan, on behalf of Guildford Heritage Forum, asked the Lead Councillor for Environment, Councillor James Steel, the following question


"Given the letters in the press about the potential sale of Guildford Museum and collections will the Lead Councillor for Environment issue a clear, unambiguous statement that historic buildings, museum collections and borough art collected and purchased over decades and centuries and unique to Guildford will not be disposed of even if the services supporting them have to be reduced?"


The Lead Councillor’s response was as follows:


“We are not in a position to issue a clear and unambiguous statement because we are currently in a consultation about where the Council’s funds should be prioritised.


As I have confirmed in my response to the previous question this evening, officers are at this time developing options for the heritage service for the Council to review.  As I have stressed, our heritage is important and of value to our town, but we are being faced with many difficult choices around finance for all of our services.  Every part of the Council has an importance to individuals, the whole or various parts of the community.  No decision will be taken lightly or without proper consideration.  


Our collection is held in trust, along with Surrey Archaeological Society’s own collection which we provide a home for; this prevents any disposal and would step outside the Museum Association’s code of ethics.”


Councillor James Steel

Lead Councillor for Environment


In response to a supplementary question arising from the written responses given, in which the Lead Councillor was asked:


(i)    whether he could ensure that, in the context of the Council’s public consultation on its  spending review, proper consideration is given as to what the museum could and should be offering for the benefit of the town’s visitor experience rather than the contribution it currently makes; and


(iii)  given that the Council had put a lot of work into the new vision for the museum, whether he would consider possible improvements that could be made at a relatively low cost.


the Lead Councillor recognised the huge amount of work that had been done so far by the Heritage Team and Friends of Guildford Museum in terms of the new museum project and that the Covid situation and withdrawal of NHLF funding had been very unfortunate.  The Lead Councillor reiterated that any decisions that are made arising from the Council’s spending review, would be properly consulted on and due consideration given to the Council’s current and future priorities.