Agenda item

Residential Extensions and Alterations Supplementary Planning Document


The EAB was invited to consider and comment on the draft Residential Extensions and Alterations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) 2018 following the associated public consultation and to make recommendations as appropriate to the Executive.


The SPD was a key design document that could assist with providing advice to applicants and raising the standard and quality of design in householder alterations and applications.  Although the document was not part of the Development Plan, it added further detail to the policies contained in the Plan and was a material consideration in making planning decisions.  Clear design policy could provide a useful tool for officers and Councillors in planning assessment and decision-making and for providing advice to applicants, to help raise design standards and avoid poor quality planning applications.  It was important that any design guidance was clear, current and fit for purpose.


The consultation document had been downloaded from the Council’s website on 900 occasions and 27 comprehensive, lengthy and useful consultation responses had been received.  All the 27 responses had been taken into account in accordance with the Statement of Community Involvement and the EAB received a summary of the key issues arising from them together with the related officer responses.  The more general responses concerned document size, accessibility, colour and the increased use of local photographic examples of exemplary and award winning design.  Other policy documents covered some of the technical planning issues raised such as side windows, flat roofs and the minimum build distance of 1 metre from the boundary, the acceptability of which depended on the local context.  Although parking standards, including dimensions, were due for review, they were not included in this SPD.  The consultation exercise had included internal consultation with all relevant service areas and two design workshops with the Planning Committee.  The document was available in printed and on-line versions.


In response to discussion, questions and comments arising from consideration of the SPD, the following points were noted / agreed:


·             The reference to Neighbourhood Plans on page 4 of the SPD would be highlighted and strengthened including identification of the areas with such Plans in place.

·             Although dark skies were not a planning issue, a further SPD being prepared would address light spillage.  Individual situations and areas would dictate acceptability.

·             Alternatives to the 45 degree guide applied to windows serving habitable rooms would be added to the document.

·             An explanation of balcony roof lights, which would generally be resisted owing to their impact on privacy, would be added to the document.

·             Photographs in the document would be referenced and enlarged in the interests of clarity.

·             Developers were encouraged to provide larger sized garages in new developments to house bins etc.

·             The boundary treatment section on page 38 would be expanded on the subject of fence height and style.

·             The formatting of the on-line version of the SPD should be adjusted to ensure improved on screen readability.

·             Although it was a fundamental planning principle that extensions were subservient to the original property by being set back with long roofscapes, exceptions were acceptable where appropriate.

·             Approximately 85% of local authorities and other planning organisations nationally had design guidance in place which was similar to the SPD.

·             The SPD carried considerable weight and was a material consideration in determining planning applications owing the associated consultation and compatibility with other planning policy documents including the Strategic Development Framework which addressed the wider master planning of strategic development sites.

·             The timetable for progressing planning policies was initial consultation with stakeholders commencing shortly and completing in November 2018 leading to reports coming forward in January / February 2019 and consultation documents prepared by March 2019.

Supporting documents: