Agenda item

Guildford Museum Development Project - Progress Report

To consider the progress report in respect of the Guildford Museum Development Project.


Attendance at the meeting included two public speakers, Gavin Morgan of Guildford Heritage Forum and Honorary Freeman and Chair of the Friends of Guildford Museum Jen Powell, and members of the Museum Review Group.  The Chairman made introductions and welcomed all to the meeting.


Councillor Nikki Nelson-Smith, the Lead Councillor for Social Welfare, Heritage and the Arts, gave a presentation in respect of the Guildford Museum Development Project.  The project had been established following the outcome of a review of the existing museum facilities which had concluded that the current offer fell short of expectations for a town of the size and historic nature of Guildford.  The presentation explained the Council’s aspiration to develop a modern visitor attraction befitting the town; create a heritage quarter by strengthening links between the museum and castle; provide a programme of events and activities with learning opportunities for all; and increase appeal, broaden the audience, create a destination and support the local economy.  The Museum Review Group had been established to oversee the project.


In terms of project governance, the Museum Review Group monitored the three workstreams of property; service content, activity and interpretation; and fundraising.  The property aspect balanced the limitations of the site against the space requirements for a new museum, investigated options to extend into Castle Cliffe Gardens or the existing courtyard, considered the potential for a gallery celebrating Lewis Carroll and reviewed the historical significance of the site in discussion with Historic England.  The presentation included plans showing the museum courtyard and facilities on three levels.  Facilities included temporary and permanent exhibition spaces, a Lewis Carroll centre, public events space, shop and café.


Service development included establishing the museum vision and aims, cataloguing assets and collections, agreeing target audiences and developing activities.  Work to date had consisted of collaboration with partners, engagement with local expertise and interest groups, ‘Your Stories, Your Museum’ consultation and engagement initiative, and working with volunteers.  This consultation and engagement work led to identifying and prioritising themes for the museum which has been distilled to 15 reflecting creativity and innovation through the ages.


Fundraising was necessary to fund the shortfall in Council funding for the project and the aim was to establish a charitable trust to apply for grants and generate donations.  Discussions would continue with the Carrollian Wonderland Trust regarding the potential and funding for the Lewis Carroll gallery.


Next steps consisted of developing a masterplan followed by a detailed cost plan, continuing service developments, establishing a charitable incorporated organisation for fundraising and completing a feasibility study and business case for Executive approval.  It was hoped that the new museum would open in early 2021.


Gavin Morgan of Guildford Heritage Forum and Honorary Freeman Jen Powell, Chair of the Friends of Guildford Museum, spoke in favour of the museum project and were appreciative of the report and grateful for work undertaken to date.


The Board’s attention was drawn to the discussion points in paragraph 6.0 in the agenda report which sought views on whether the new museum should aim to be a local attraction or serve a wider area and whether the evolving vision to promote and celebrate Guildford’s creativity and innovation was supported.  The following points arose from subsequent discussion:


·             The project to extend and develop the museum on the existing site linking to the castle was supported and welcomed.

·             The Museum Review Group and others involved in the project, including numerous enthusiastic volunteers, deserved thanks for their commitment and hard work.

·             The evolving vision of creativity and innovation for the new museum was commendable and the museum should tell the stories of the past, present and future as innovation need not relate to modern initiatives only.

·             Although the museum would focus on Guildford it should seek to interest and attract visitors from a wider area beyond the town to increase its tourist appeal which was developing more rapidly than other areas in the south of England.

·             The momentum in pursuing the project should be maintained and the public should be kept informed of progress.  Public feedback received to date had been favourable.

·             Promoting the museum as a community asset and facility may encourage ownership and sponsorship to assist with fundraising.

·             Establishing a charitable incorporated organisation should be pursued without delay and promoted.


In her summing up, the Chairman confirmed that there was agreement that the museum should be wider than Guildford in appeal in the interests of viability and that it should be centred on Guildford consisting of the various themes put forward including the creativity and innovation strands.


The Board was appreciative of the officers’ report and thanked all those involved in the development of the museum wishing them good luck with the project for the future.

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