Agenda item

20/P/02173 - Land at Burpham Court Farm, Clay Lane, Guildford, GU4 7NA


The Committee considered the above-mentioned full application for the change of use of the site to 45.9 hectares of land to publicly accessible open space and Nature Reserve to facilitate a Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG).  Amended details submitted 12 July 2023.


The Committee received an presentation from the Senior Planning Officer, Jo Chambers.  The Committee noted that the application had been submitted on behalf of Guildford Borough Council, acting in its capacity as landowner, in support of the Slyfield Area Regeneration Project which was now referred to as Weyside Urban Village.


The application was first considered by the Planning Committee at its meeting on 20 October 2021, when the Committee resolved to grant permission subject to a legal agreement.  Changes had subsequently been made to the scheme for which planning permission was resolved to be granted and fell outside of the delegated authority granted by the Committee.  As a result, this decision was being reported back to the Planning Committee.


The Committee noted that the application site was wholly within the Green Belt and was located approximately 3km north-east of the centre of Guildford.  The site was an irregular shape and divided by the River Wey and Clay Lane.  To the south, the area was allocated for mixed use development, including approximately 1500 new homes at Weyside Urban Village.  Other land uses in close proximity included the Riverside Park local nature reserve and existing SANG, allotments and the community of Jacobs Well.  The site boundary had been amended to exclude the Bowes Lane Bridge which was in the ownership of the National Trust.  The bridge was not essential to the establishment of a SANG but would facilitate public access from areas to the site.  The applicant was encouraged to work with the National Trust to secure the opening and use of the Bowes Lane Bridge by pedestrians in the future and an informative was proposed to this effect.  The amended boundary did not alter the capacity for a SANG and biodiversity net gain.


The existing character of the site was currently green field land, comprising areas of pasture and marshy grassland grazed by cattle to the south of Clay Lane and to the north was an area of marshy grassland and woodland.  The southernmost part of the site was defined as a local nature reserve and a site of nature conservation importance.  There were many trees and hedges within the site with a dense tree belt on the western boundary.  The River Wey was a dominant feature of the site which had existing wetland features.  A large proportion of the site fell within flood zone 3 and parts of the site were used by wintering wildfowl.  An updated SANG concept design had been submitted.  This application did not seek approval of those works but would be secured by condition subject to additional consultation. The SANG concept design had been prepared to demonstrate how Natural England SANG criteria and the concerns raised by the Environment Agency regarding flood risk could be satisfactorily addressed. 


The main amendments made to the scheme related to the relocation of the car park from land immediately adjacent to the farm buildings on Clay Lane with an increase in the number of parking spaces to 32.  The figure included a reduction in the normal requirement because Weyside Urban Village was within walking distance.


There were currently no public rights of access or rights of way across the site and the proposal would provide improved access and land management.  A circular walk could be introduce as part of the site south of Clay Lane with three entry points to walkers.  Various areas would be planted up and included hedgerow restoration.  Restricted public access would also be in place in some areas in order to enhance biodiversity net gain.


In the planning officer’s view, the proposed amendments were considered acceptable and the extensive work undertaken since the application was reported to Committee in October 2021 had addressed the concerns raised by the Environment Agency regarding flood risk.  Full details of the SANG including layout boundaries, vehicular access and parking, landscape walkways, boundary works and associated works would be secured by condition.  The future management would be subject to a detailed SANG Management Plan about biodiversity which was approved in consultation with Natural England.  Preparation of the unilateral undertaking, and subject to planning consent being granted, procurement was programmed to commence early in the New Year with a target start onsite in June 2024.




In conclusion, the proposal would result in significant public benefits in terms of access to a recreational resource for existing and future residents, which would also bring significant environmental benefits, helping to reduce recreational pressures on the Thames Basin, which in accordance with local and national policy, the proposed development was recommended for approval.


The Committee discussed the application and agreed that the proposed represented a good sustainable form of development via the creation of a SANG and welcomed the increased biodiversity net gain overall.


A motion was moved and seconded to approve the application which was carried.










Patrick Oven





Vanessa King





Howard Smith





Maddy Redpath





Ruth Brothwell





Joanne Shaw





Philip Brooker





Richard Mills





Steve Hives





Lizzie Griffiths





Cait Taylor





James Jones





Yves de Contades





Bilal Akhtar











In conclusion, having taken consideration of the representations received in relation to this application, the Committee


RESOLVED to approve application 20/P/02173 subject to a S106 Agreement as detailed in the report and associated conditions.





Supporting documents: