The Committee considered the above-mentioned full application for proposed two-storey side/rear extension, loft conversion, enlargement of the existing basement courtyard complete with glazed light well and erection of a single storey outbuilding with boundary wall.
The Committee received a presentation from the Senior Planning Officer, James Amos. The site was comprised of a two storey semi-detached dwelling on the south side of Markenfield Road. It was a two storey flint faced cottage. The neighbouring property at no.24 had been extended in a similar way to the proposal before the Committee. The property had a basement with a small lightwell, standard accommodation at ground floor level, first floor and loft space. The basement would be extended at the front with a new light well and covered with a glazed screen as a new staircase up to the ground floor level. The extension would be set back further from the first floor and with an angled elevation to take account of the relationship with the next door property at no.24. The proposed extension had been designed not to cut into the 45 degree line but to respect the sunlight and daylight experienced by the adjoining property. The proposed front and rear elevations were unchanged. At the ground-floor level the elevation at the rear and extension had been designed in a contemporary and modern style reflective of the style of the extensions that had taken place at no.24. The extension reduced in depth as you got higher up the property so there was a degree of subservience. The elevations featured large areas of obscured glazing that were at high level and non-opening so that the neighbouring properties amenities were not affected through a loss of privacy.
On balance and taking into account the existence of other similar modern extensions on properties down Markenfield Road, such extensions always occurred at the rear and only limited changes occurred to the property at the front. The application was therefore recommended for approval.
The Committee discussed the application and noted a query regarding the concern raised by the Council’s Sustainability Officer regarding a condition being included about overheating due to the amount of glazing incorporated. The Senior Planning Officer, James Amos, confirmed that condition 4 ensured that the development would not commence until a robust overheating risk assessment for the proposed development had been submitted and successfully demonstrated that there would be no unacceptable risk of overheating.
A motion was moved and seconded to approve the application which was carried.
1 |
Jo Shaw |
X |
2 |
Howard Smith |
X |
3 |
Cait Taylor |
X |
4 |
Phil Bellamy |
X |
5 |
Fiona White |
X |
6 |
Bilal Akhtar |
X |
7 |
Vanessa King |
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8 |
David Bilbé |
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9 |
Stephen Hives |
X |
10 |
Richard Mills |
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11 |
Catherine Young |
X |
12 |
Pat Oven |
X |
13 |
George Potter |
X |
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[Councillor Maddy Redpath had left the meeting]
In conclusion, having taken consideration of the representations received in relation to this application, the Committee;
RESOLVED to approve application 23/P/00871 subject to the conditions and reasons as detailed in the report.
Supporting documents: