The Committee considered the above-mentioned reserved matters application pursuant to outline consent 20/P/02155 (siting, design and external appearance, access and landscaping) for the erection of 81 dwellings and associated infrastructure, parking and landscaping.
The Committee received a presentation from the Senior Planning Officer, Jo Chambers. The Committee noted the supplementary late sheets which set out the details of an additional and amended condition. The County Highway Authority had also confirmed that they had no objection to the development subject to these conditions.
The application site formed part of site allocation A24, the Slyfield Area Regeneration Project now referred to as the Weyside Urban Village located on the western side of the River Wey, 2 km north from Guildford’s town centre. The site was bounded to the west by existing residential areas and to the north-west by Slyfield Industrial Estate. The River Wey ran along the eastern boundary.
Hybrid planning consent was granted for the development including 1,500 new homes and community and employment uses in March 2022. This was the second reserved matters application to come before the Committee and comprised the first residential phase of development. Planning permission was granted for the first reserved matters application in respect of a relocated Council depot in March 2023.
The application site was located on the south-west corner of the wider site in an area of existing allotments and the site of the agricultural club building known locally as the Aggie Club with access from Bellfield’s Road. The site was bounded by Weyfield Primary School and playing fields along the western edge of the site and existing settlements along the north-western and southern edges. The Thames Water Sewage Treatment works would be relocated to a new facility within the wider area. A proportion of the Bellfields Allotment site would be retained. The Aggie Club was relocated to a new temporary facility in February 2023 and a new permanent facility would be opened later in the development programme.
The development formed part of the wider master plan for the Weyside Urban Village, the principle of development had been established through the hybrid consent and the application sought reserved matters approval in respect of appearance, access and landscaping, layout and scale. Phase 1 would set the tone in terms of design and build quality for the new development and connected the existing Wakefield Primary School and green spaces which were accessible to all. Access from Bellfields Road was approved in detail as part of the hybrid consent and would provide one of the primary access points to the wider development area. Phase 1 had been designed in accordance with the approved parameters and design code. It was comprised of 81 dwellings, 67% of which are three to four bed units and represented a higher proportion of family housing than the overall development and reflected site characteristics and location. The overall mix would continue to be monitored through the submission of subsequent reserved matters applications to ensure the approved mix was achieved.
The heights of the development responded sensitively to existing properties in the area. The majority of the dwellings were either 2-3 storey’s. The tenure mix was comprised of 40% affordable rent and 60% market housing which was in accordance with the hybrid consent. Phase 1 of the development formed the garden mews character area of the Weyside Urban Village which was described in the Design Code as medium density community living which linked the existing and new residents together. The design had been subject to extensive public consultation and revisions made to it informed by community engagement. Planning officers had also worked closely with the design team and further changes had been made to further enhance the garden character by introducing more trees and planting as well as improving pedestrian and cycle connectivity to the wider area. The site layout promoted sustainable travel modes and tertiary roads had been designed as shared surfaces. Traffic restrictions would be implemented along Bellfields Road to prevent on-street parking which would restrict access to the site. Main vehicular access to the school would remain via School Lane with improvements to pedestrian safety around Bellfield’s Road school gate. The school planned to reorientate the school layout to face the new development. 26 additional parking spaces were proposed within the development. To mitigate the loss of parking on Bellfields Road, a mix of allocated spaces had been incorporated through the site. Visitor parking as well an electric car club space was proposed too. The level of parking provision was lower than the maximum number of spaces required, applying the standards set out in Policy ID10, however, this was considered to be acceptable given the location of the site and the sustainable transport measures proposed.
A detailed biodiversity mitigation and enhancement plan would introduce additional ecological features into the scheme such as bat and bird roosting features integrated into the new buildings. The focal point of the development was the central green space which formed a community hub providing flexible spaces and opportunities for community events, an orchard and play spaces.
The development had been designed to exceed energy and sustainability targets. Carbon reductions would be achieved through energy efficient design and building fabrics. Photovoltaic panels would be used which would cover 40% of the building footprint and air source heat pumps.
In conclusion, the proposed development would deliver an exemplar, high quality and sustainable development which would meet the objectives of the approved design code and achieve high standards of sustainability and energy performance. As such, the application was recommended for approval.
The Committee fully supported the development and was looking forward to seeing it progress.
A motion was moved and seconded to approve the application which was carried.
1 |
Vanessa King |
X |
2 |
Jo Shaw |
X |
3 |
Fiona White |
X |
4 |
Howard Smith |
X |
5 |
Richard Mills |
X |
6 |
Stephen Hives |
X |
7 |
Bilal Akhtar |
X |
8 |
Phil Bellamy |
X |
9 |
Pat Oven |
X |
10 |
Catherine Young |
X |
11 |
David Bilbe |
X |
12 |
Cait Taylor |
X |
13 |
George Potter |
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13 |
[Councillor Maddy Redpath had left the meeting]
In conclusion, having taken consideration of the representations received in relation to this application, the Committee;
RESOLVED to approve application 22/P/01786 subject to the conditions and reasons as detailed in the report, additional four conditions, as detailed in the supplementary late sheets and amended conditions 3, 4, 5 and 9 as well as an additional informative.
Supporting documents: