A question session with Councillor Angela Goodwin, Lead Councillor for Engagement and Customer Services. Councillor Goodwin’s areas of responsibility: Communications and Engagement; Complaints; Ombudsman; Customer services; Case Management; Digital services; Freedom of Information; and ICT and Business Systems.
The Chairman welcomed the Lead Councillor for Engagement and Customer Services, Councillor Angela Goodwin. The Committee was reminded of Councillor Goodwin’s portfolio responsibilities: Communications and Engagement; Complaints; Ombudsman; Customer services; Case Management; Digital services; Freedom of Information; and ICT and Business Systems.
During the ensuing discussion several points were made and clarifications offered as follows:
· In response to a question on improving the performance of Customer Services, the Lead Councillor for Engagement and Customer Services advised the Committee that over seventy-five percent of phone calls were answered within twenty seconds and the target would be to answer eighty percent of calls within that time. The meeting was informed that this eighty percent target was achieved weekly throughout February 2024. The Lead Councillor for Engagement and Customer Services indicated that the average phone wait time was less than the industry best practice standard of two minutes. The Committee was advised by the Lead Councillor for Engagement and Customer Services that responding to phone contacts was not an area of current concern. In addition, the Lead Councillor for Engagement and Customer Services informed the meeting that the return of customer services staff from secondments in the coming weeks would improve phone call response times.
· The Lead Councillor for Engagement and Customer Services advised that the Key Performance Indicators for Customer Services needed to be reviewed and updated and the Council’s Customer Charter refreshed.
· In reply to a question about phone wait times for customer services and increasing the use of online communication and contacts, the Lead Councillor for Engagement and Customer Services indicated the advantages to residents of digital contact and stated that phone contact would always be provided as an option.
· The Lead Councillor for Engagement and Customer Services advised the meeting that at the beginning of March there were 65,868 residents with a MyGuildford digital account.
· In reply to questions, the Executive Head of Communications and Customer Services indicated that online searches on the Council’s website were reviewed and used to improve search results. The meeting was informed that feedback on the Council’s social media channels was monitored by the Council’s communications team and responses provided.
· In answer to a question about the possible use of a live chat function on the Council’s website, the Executive Head of Communications and Customer Services indicated that other local authorities that used such a tool had been contacted but there were no immediate plans to introduce it at the Council.
· With reference to case management at the Council, a member of the Committee asked about the handover processes and safeguards to ensure that responses to residents were not adversely impacted when staff departed the Council. In reply, the Lead Councillor for Engagement and Customer Services outlined the role and extent of case management within her portfolio and the manner in which cases were re-allocated when staff were absent from work or left the Council.
· In response to a question on introducing shared IT systems as part of the Guildford Waverley Collaboration and Transformation Programme (GWCTP), the Lead Councillor for Engagement and Customer Services indicated that any such changes to IT systems would be managed by the GWTCP. She advised that each business case associated with the GWTCP would be assessed on its own merits to ensure the benefits of the change. With reference to the Future Guildford transformation programme, the Chairman indicated the importance of staying on top of proposed changes to IT systems.
· In reply to a member of the Committee questioning the lack of feedback to some residents on the progress of their enquiries to the Council, the outlined how enquiries were handled and requested that details of delays be passed on to her. The Lead Councillor for Engagement and Customer Services indicated the value in Councillors providing feedback to improve the Council’s case management.
· In response to a question on the prioritisation of enquiries from the public, the Executive Head of Communications and Customer Services advised that housing repairs and similar potentially urgent or emergency requests were given priority.
· In answer to a question on the problems in the Council’s housing repairs service, the Lead Councillor for Engagement and Customer Services confirmed that tenants in Council housing had been contacted with information about the service and possible delays to repairs in properties. In addition, the meeting was informed that drop-in sessions had been organised to gather tenant feedback.
· In response to a question, the Executive Head of Communications and Customer Services confirmed the close working relationship between communications staff at Guildford Borough Council and Waverley Borough Council.
The Lead Councillor for Engagement and Customer Services highlighted work by the Communications Team, including the fortnightly update by email for councillors, and the Lead Councillor for Finance and Property praised the financial updates issued by the team.
The Chairman thanked the Lead Councillor for Engagement and Customer Services and the Executive Head of Communications and Customer Services for attending and answering questions.