The Committee considered the above-mentioned full application for erection of an extension at first floor level to create a two bed self-contained residential unit including a side Juliet balcony and changes to lower ground floor rear fenestration following demolition of existing rear element.
The Committee received a presentation from the Planning Officer, Victoria Bates. The application had been referred to the Committee by former Ward Councillor Pauline Searle, on the basis of concerns regarding the impact on the amenities of residents at the neighbouring property of Francis Court.
The proposal related to a three storey end terraced property on Worplesdon Road. The site was located within the Guildford urban area and was within the 400 metres to 5km buffer zone of the Thames Heath Basin Special Protection Area (TBHSPA). The application building was currently in commercial use at ground floor level with an existing flat at first-floor. The proposal would involve the removal of the existing first floor flat roof extension and the erection of a first floor extension over the footprint of the existing building to create a 2-bed self-contained flat. The footprint of the existing building would not increase as a result of the works proposed. The proposal included internal access to the existing and proposed first floor flats. The existing extension would be replaced by a crown pitch roof finished in brick work and tiles to match the existing building. No windows were proposed in the rear elevation.
In summary, the proposal for the creation of one 2-bed dwelling within the Guildford urban area was considered to be acceptable in principle. Whilst the proposal would increase the bulk and massing of the existing building, officers considered that the resulting development would be more sympathetic in terms of its design and appearance than the existing first floor extension. It would also have an acceptable impact on the character and appearance of the existing building and the surrounding area. Having regard to the objections received from the neighbouring residents at France’s Court the proposal was considered to be sufficiently distanced from these neighbours so as not to result in any unacceptable adverse overbearing impact, overshadowing or loss of privacy. The proposal would comply with the national space standards and not result in any detrimental impacts on highway safety and biodiversity enhancements would be secured by condition. The proposal was therefore recommended for approval, subject to a unilateral undertaking to secure a SANG and SAMM.
The Committee discussed the application and considered that the proposal was an improvement upon what was currently in situ. The extension was well designed and proportionately in scale with the surrounding area.
A motion was moved and seconded to approve the application subject to the additional condition 8 and updated condition 2 as detailed on the supplementary late sheets.
1 |
George Potter |
X |
2 |
David Bilbe |
X |
3 |
Merel Rehorst-Smith |
X |
4 |
Sue Wyeth-Price |
X |
5 |
Joss Bigmore |
X |
6 |
Fiona White |
X |
7 |
Lizzie Griffiths |
X |
8 |
Bilal Akhtar |
X |
9 |
Steve Hives |
X |
10 |
Vanessa King |
X |
11 |
Howard Smith |
X |
12 |
Cait Taylor |
X |
13 |
Patrick Oven |
X |
14 |
Jane Tyson |
X |
15 |
Richard Mills |
X |
15 |
0 |
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In conclusion, having taken account of the representations received in relation to this application, the Committee
RESOLVED to approve application 22/P/00956 subject to the conditions, additional condition 8 and updated condition 2, and reasons as detailed in the report.
8. No development shall take place until a scheme for the fitting of suitable ventilation and filtration equipment has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Such a scheme and details shall include equipment to suppress and disperse all fumes. The approved equipment shall be installed before the use commences and thereafter shall be operated and maintained in full working order in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions throughout the proposed use.
Reason: To protect adjoining premises/residential amenities.
Condition 2 is to be reworded as follows:
2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans:
WR 207 - Site Plan and Block Plan received on 13/06/2022
WR 501 P1 – Existing Plan 1 received on 13/06/2022
WR 500 P1 – Existing Plan 2 received on 13/06/2022
WR 502 P1 – Existing Elevations 1 received on 13/06/2022
WR 503 P1 – Existing Elevations 2 received on 13/06/2022
WR 504 P1 – Existing Elevations 3 received on 13/06/2022
WR 206 – Proposed Roof received on 14/06/2022
WR 208 – Proposed Elevations (1) received on 14/06/2022
WR 209 – Proposed Elevations (2) received on 14/06/2022
WR 206 – Proposed Elevations (3) received on 14/06/2022
WR 205 P2 – Proposed Plans received on 11/08/2022.
WR 211 P2 - Floor area received on 11/08/2022
Reason: To ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved plans and in the interests of proper planning.
Supporting documents: