Agenda item

Guildford's UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund



1.    Approved the progression of Guildford’s UKSPF and REPF plans, as outlined in the report.

2.    Delegated to the Strategic Director of Place, in consultation with the Leader, authority to enter into such other contracts and legal agreements connected with the UKSPF and REPF as may be necessary in compliance with Procurement Procedure Rules and within the allocated grant funding budget.


The £1.4 million total funding Guildford Borough Council had been allocated from the UKSPF and REPF was a significant sum of money that could have a positive impact on the borough’s local communities and businesses.

Grounded on insights from local stakeholders, partners and GBC Councillors and Officers, the projects put forward in Guildford’s Investment Plan and REPF Addendum aligned with the borough’s local priorities and intent to leverage collaboration with the Council’s partners to maximise value for money.

Other options considered and rejected by the Executive:

OPTION 1: The Executive could have decided not to approve the proposed interventions (including changes) for Guildford’s UKSPF and REPF. This would make the Council unable to advance the proposed projects and make use of the £1.4 million allocated by DLUHC and DEFRA within the prescribed timescales to empower our local businesses and communities.

Details of any conflict of interest declared by the Leader or lead councillors and any dispensation granted:



The Lead Councillor for Lead Councillor for Climate Change and Organisational Development introduced the report in the absence of the Leader.

The Council was fortunate to have been awarded £1 million from the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities’ (DLUHC) UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) to spend on capital and revenue activities between financial years 2022-23 to 2024-25, with the aim of ‘building pride in places and increase life chances’ through investment on three investment priorities: Communities, Local Businesses and People and Skills. In addition, a further £400,000 had been awarded to the Council from the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs’ (DEFRA) Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF), and this allocation was to be spent on capital grants to support rural businesses and communities from 2023-24 to 2024-25.

To access its UKSPF and REPF allocation, the Council had submitted an investment plan and addendum, respectively, outlining the opportunities and challenges of the borough, as well as its investment priorities. The DLUHC had confirmed the validation of Guildford’s UKSPF Investment Plan and the first year’s allocation had been received. It was important that Council planned and divested the funding efficiently as any funds unspent by the 2025 deadline would have to be returned.

The report before the Executive set out detailed plans for the expenditure of both sets of funding. The REPF would target communities and micro/rural businesses particularly to stimulate growth and provide social support. Also included would be decarbonisation loans to support the climate change agenda, in some cases this would be in partnership with Surrey County Council (SCC). The UKSPF would similarly support decarbonisation schemes including support for an e-bike hire scheme for Guildford and Shalford (again in partnership with SCC) which was currently in an advanced project stage, the visitor economy (to include business support and town centre improvements), a ringfenced sum for community and neighbourhood improvements.

The report had been considered and endorsed by the Strategy and Resources Executive Advisory Board meeting on 6 February 2023 and the comments arising from that meeting were set out in the Supplementary Information Sheet.

The Executive was supportive of the recommendations and especially of the e-bike project. It was noted that Guildford’s streets were quite narrow and safety for all was emphasised. The project would work in partnership with the University of Surrey.

The Executive,


1.    Approved the progression of Guildford’s UKSPF and REPF plans, as outlined in the report.

2.     Delegated to the Strategic Director of Place, in consultation with the Leader, authority to enter into such other contracts and legal agreements connected with the UKSPF and REPF as may be necessary in compliance with Procurement Procedure Rules and within the allocated grant funding budget.


1.     The £1.4 million total funding Guildford Borough Council had been allocated from the UKSPF and REPF was a significant sum of money that could have a positive impact on the borough’s local communities and businesses.

2.     Grounded on insights from local stakeholders, partners and GBC Councillors and Officers, the projects put forward in Guildford’s Investment Plan and REPF Addendum aligned with the borough’s local priorities and intent to leverage collaboration with the Council’s partners to maximise value for money.

Supporting documents: