The Chairman reminded the Committee that members with queries about specific performance indicators in the report had been asked to submit these in advance to the Policy Officer, Strategy and Communications, to enable an explanation to be given at the meeting.
The Lead Councillor for Climate Change and Organisational Development introduced the report submitted to the Committee. He advised that the key performance indicators (KPIs) within the report had been updated as a result of feedback from the Committee and a recent review workshop and meeting of the Council’s Executive Liaison Group.
In addition, the Policy Officer, Strategy and Communications, informed the Committee that the review of performance indicators had reduced the number of KPIs to approximately forty from Quarter 3 reporting onwards. She advised that some previous KPIs would continue to be monitored through the service planning process.
The Policy Officer, Strategy and Communications, advised the Committee of an amendment to a figure within the report; namely, the Quarter 1 amount for COU11, Speed of determining planning applications for minor development, was 40.39 percent, rather than 52.17 percent.
In response to questions on COU3 and COU4 and aligning KPIs and internal service targets with the Council’s priority outcomes, the Policy Officer, Strategy and Communications advised that the Joint Executive Head of Communications and Customer Service would be consulted on the merit in reviewing the KPIs further.
With reference to COU15, 16, 21, 22, and 23, a member of the Committee asked for an informal update on the Council’s customer service performance. The Policy Officer, Strategy and Communications, summarised a response provided by the Joint Executive Head of Communications and Customer Service; the meeting was advised of a different approach from the Council’s communication and engagement through social media and the reasons for increased call wait times to the Council’s customer services in December. In addition, the Policy Officer, Strategy and Communications, indicated that online requests were being dealt with within advertised timescales, informed the Committee that there were over 51,000 customers registered with MyGuildford accounts, and provided details recruitment to customer services.
In reply to a question linking the number of homeless families placed in bed and breakfast accommodation with the possible use of unoccupied Council housing, the Leader of the Council and Lead Councillor for Community and Housing pointed out that void houses were often in need of repair. She undertook to arrange for more information on the issue to be provided to Committee members.
The Committee was informed that the Quarter 2 data for the KPI relating to affordable housing units granted planning permission on eligible sites (H&J20) was not available due the reporting function on the database not working. The Policy Officer, Strategy and Communications, indicated that further information could be provided to Committee members.
The Lead Councillor for Climate Change and Organisational Development made clear that comments from Committee members on improvements to KPIs would be welcomed at any time.
RESOLVED: (I) That the Performance Monitoring Report for 2022/23 Quarter 2, attached as Appendix 1 to the report submitted to the Committee, be noted.
(II) That the invitation from the Lead Councillor for Climate Change and Organisational Development to put forward suggestions and comments on improvements to performance indicators in the Council’s performance framework be welcomed.
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