Agenda item

Borough Response to Refugees


The Leader of the Council and Lead Councillor for Community and Housing introduced the item.  She praised the Council teams involved in the refugee schemes and, drawing on examples from within the Borough, advised the meeting of the impact of the Council’s work on those being supported.  In addition, the Leader of the Council and Lead Councillor for Community and Housing thanked those residents who had been able to help host and support refugees.


The Joint Executive Head of Community Services advised that the Council had become involved in issues relating to the bridging hotel in the Borough due to the hotel’s location and impact on the wider community.  She indicated that further information on the funding from central government for the various refugee schemes could be provided at the meeting if members desired.


In response to questions, the Head of Regulatory Services advised the meeting of the challenge of finding accommodation for refugees under the Homes for Ukraine once the arrangement of Host and Guest ended.  She informed the Committee that 34 refugees from Ukraine had moved into private rented accommodation and 19 had returned to their home country.


A member of the Committee queried the availability of mental health support for refugees and their hosts.  In reply, he was advised of pressures on such services and of the need for Council staff to use referral pathways for mental health professionals or adult social care.  With reference to the distribution of funding from refugee schemes, the Joint Executive Head of Community Services indicated that the NHS and Surrey County Council were aware of the demands experienced by districts and boroughs within the county.


A member of the Committee advised the meeting of the Mental Health Improvement Fund at Surrey County Council. 


In response to a question asking about the greatest needs, the Joint Executive Head of Community Services spoke of the additional pressures on housing locally and of the value of adult social care support for those refugees who had experienced trauma.


In reply to a question about raising concerns with central government over the long-term transition funding within the Homes for Ukraine scheme, the Committee was advised of both the Council’s participation in the South East Strategic Partnership for Migration and the role of Surrey County Council’s Ukraine group in co-ordinating such concerns.


The Joint Executive Head of Community Services advised the Committee of the difficulties of both relocating refugees from areas in which they have settled and re-purposing accommodation. 


In reply to questions, the Joint Executive Head of Community Services indicated that while much of the work required to respond to refugees had been absorbed by Council staff in housing, regulatory services, and family support, there were insufficient staff for this work and that recruiting to fill extra posts was difficult.  She advised that the administration of elements of the refugee schemes could be as challenging as operational delivery.


The Joint Executive Head of Community Services outlined the tensions caused by the establishment of a bridging hotel in the Borough, including greater support within the local community for refugees from Ukraine than for the asylum dispersal process and shortcomings in the management of the hotel.


RESOLVED:  (I) That the Committee’s support for the Council’s response to refugees be noted.

(II)  That an update on the Borough’s response to refugees be provided to the Committee within 6-12 months.


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