(1) That the provision of day care services for the elderly be consolidated at The Hive to maintain high quality service provision for all residents in the borough.
(2) That the following recommendations from the Service Delivery EAB be actioned by the Head of Community Services:
a) The possibility of introducing a lunch provision at Japonica Court be explored to support those residents who previously accessed the lunch club at the Shawfield Centre.
b) A breakdown of the projected revenue savings of £170,000 be provided to the Service Delivery EAB to clarify the amount of funding expected to be saved from the Shawfield Centre closure, balanced against any rise in costs associated with an increase in the use of The Hive and community transport and any ongoing upkeep of the building including utility payments.
(3) That the Head of Asset Management be requested to develop a project mandate in respect of the options for the future use of the Shawfield Centre site without delay to prevent a community facility falling into disuse for a length of time, one of which should consider the operation of the property by an external organisation such as a parish council, charity or local enterprise.
To maintain or improve the quality of provision for day centre customers, whilst reducing costs as part of our savings strategy.
Other options considered and rejected by the Executive:
Details of any conflict of interest declared by the Leader or lead councillors and any dispensation granted:
The Council had two purpose-built day centres providing support and care services for elderly residents, The Hive (formerly known as the Park Barn Centre) in Guildford and the Shawfield Centre in Ash. A care service for the elderly was a discretionary service for the Council. As a part of the agreed medium term savings review all discretionary services were being evaluated and new ways to deliver services explored. The Shawfield Centre had been closed for the duration of the pandemic and its existing customers had been transported to the Hive.
As a part of that review there had been public consultation with regard to the future of older people’s services, including the option of consolidating services at The Hive. The outcome of the consultation exercise and views of key health and social care partners was shared with the Service Delivery Executive Advisory Board (SDEAB) on 13 January 2022.
The Executive considered a report which set out the future of day care provision for the elderly. This included the outcome of the consultation exercise, an Equalities Impact Assessment, the views of key health and social care partners and the recommendations of the SDEAB to the Executive.
The report had concluded that the best quality of care for our elderly residents could be delivered by consolidating service provision at The Hive, whilst making significant savings for the Council.
The report was introduced by the Deputy Leader of the Council who noted that changes to discretionary services offered challenging choices and decisions. The consultation had been wide ranging and engaged stakeholders and partner agencies as well as ward councillors and the SDEAB. A key consultee was the independent chair of the Guildford and Waverley Integrated Care Partnership and Adult Social Care commissioners as well as two community volunteers who provided services to the elderly in Ash. Paramount going forward was the importance of providing the highest quality service possible and consultees felt that the provision at The Hive was more suitable due to the limitations of the Shawfield building. It was noted that even before the pandemic most social care referrals were to The Hive. The Hive offered a multigenerational space with multiple activities going on which was beneficial to users particularly those suffering from dementia and physical disability.
The Chairman of the SDEAB was in remote attendance and spoke of the sense of loss that the members of the Board perceived for Ash residents by the closure of Shawfield; however, the quality of services offered at the Hive and the cost savings were also important considerations. Overall, there was support for the multigenerational offer at The Hive and the benefits that would bring to individual service users. Officers had worked with service users and their carers to make the transition as smooth as possible. The SDEAB considered that The Hive could open its offer to more residents across the borough.
Ward councillors for Ash expressed disappointment that Shawfield would not remain open, but were appreciative of the need for savings and the quality of the offer at The Hive. The Older People’s Services Champion, Councillor Maddy Redpath proposed the kitchens in the assisted living quarters might be reopened to enable residents to cook for and with one another. Councillor Redpath also suggested that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee might look at the older persons’ services offer overall.
The Deputy Leader of the Council thanked everyone for their comments and for their input during the consultation and noted the SDEAB comments included a proposal to convene a working group with the appropriate officers, the Deputy Leader and the Older People’s Services Champion to secure improvements to the communal areas and activities in sheltered housing units within available resources and an overall review of Older People’s Services in the wake of COVID-19. This would be taken forward.
Members of the Executive found the report informative, balanced and robust. The Executive consequently,
(1) That the provision of day care services for the elderly be consolidated at The Hive to maintain high quality service provision for all residents in the borough.
(2) That the following recommendations from the Service Delivery EAB be actioned by the Head of Community Services:
a) The possibility of introducing a lunch provision at Japonica Court be explored to support those residents who previously accessed the lunch club at the Shawfield Centre.
b) A breakdown of the projected revenue savings of £170,000 be provided to the Service Delivery EAB to clarify the amount of funding expected to be saved from the Shawfield Centre closure, balanced against any rise in costs associated with an increase in the use of The Hive and community transport and any ongoing upkeep of the building including utility payments.
(3) That the Head of Asset Management be requested to develop a project mandate in respect of the options for the future use of the Shawfield Centre site without delay to prevent a community facility falling into disuse for a length of time, one of which should consider the operation of the property by an external organisation such as a parish council, charity or local enterprise.
To maintain or improve the quality of provision for day centre customers, whilst reducing costs as part of our savings strategy.
Supporting documents: