Agenda item

Appointment of Executive Head of Governance (paragraphs 1 and 4)

Report to follow.


The Committee considered the Managing Director’s report on the recruitment and selection arrangements undertaken in respect of the appointment of the Executive Head of Governance.


The Managing Director explained the important role played by the Executive Head of Governance/Monitoring Officer and that the Council’s future, particularly in the next two years, was likely to be very challenging.


The Committee considered a number of the key issues that were relevant in the context of this appointment, which included:


·        New political administration following the Borough Elections, with 16 councillors not seeking re-election

·        The need to progress and adopt a Local Plan

·        Progressing regeneration schemes

·        Focus on commercialisation and alternative legal structures


The Managing Director set out the process that had been undertaken to recruit an Executive Head of Governance and reminded the Committee of the temporary senior management structure the Council had approved in October 2013.  She confirmed that she would be bringing a report to Council in early summer, which would set out the results of a review which had been undertaken by two external consultants.  Early indications were that the review would ask the Council to confirm the current structure.  The review would highlight the need to revisit the senior management structure within two years, by which time universal credit would have been introduced.  The impact of this significant change would need to be considered alongside the progress the Council had made on the Corporate Plan, to establish whether the current structure was both fit for purpose and affordable. 


The Committee considered the first of two options – Option A involved the Managing Director and HR and Business Improvement Manager reporting the results of the long list process, and considering the skills match of the preferred candidate compared to the person specification.  The Committee noted that the preferred candidate was the Monitoring Officer at his current authority but that this had been a recent appointment (2015), although he did have earlier experience as Monitoring Officer at another council between 1998 and 2004.  The Committee also noted that the preferred candidate did not have returning officer experience and this was a desirable qualification.  The Committee was, however, impressed with his track record of managing the legal service, particularly the joint service delivery model.


After careful consideration, the Committee


RESOLVED: That the preferred candidate referred to in the report submitted to the Committee be not short-listed in respect of the appointment of Executive Head of Governance.


The Committee therefore went on to consider Option B.


The Managing Director reminded the panel that Satish Mistry had been with the Council in an interim capacity since 2012, and had served the Council well.  His previous experience as a Director of a London Borough and his earning capacity meant that he would not consider accepting the post on the scale offered, but he would consider accepting the post if a market supplement was payable.  The Managing Director reminded the panel that the Employment Committee had approved a market rate supplement policy at its meeting held on 10 February 2015.  The Managing Director went on to suggest that, given the need to review the senior management structure in two years, it might be appropriate for the Committee to consider the appointment of Satish Mistry on a contract for approximately two years. 


The Committee was advised that if the Council were to appoint Satish Mistry as Executive Head of Governance on this basis, and include a 4% premium for the fixed term element of the contract, the total annual remuneration payable to Mr Mistry would be £109,246, excluding oncosts.  Under the terms of the Council’s adopted Pay Policy Statement, any proposal to offer a new senior appointment on terms and conditions which include a total remuneration package of £100,000 or more (including salary, fees, allowances and any benefits in kind to which the officer would be entitled as a result of their employment, but excluding employer’s pension contributions), must be referred to the Council for approval, before any offer is made. 


After careful consideration, the Committee




That the Council, at its meeting on 14 April 2015, be requested to approve the offer of a contract to Satish Mistry for appointment as Executive Head of Governance for a fixed period of two years ending on 30 June 2017, with a market supplement of 10% and an additional sum of 4% to recognise that the post is only a fixed term contract.


Reasons for Recommendation:

·        Given the benefit that Satish Mistry presented in terms of offering continuity and his ability to cope with the challenges which were likely to present themselves, it was felt appropriate to offer him the contract, which would take the Council past the County Council elections in 2017.

·        The two year contract would enable the Council to review the market supplement attached to the post.

·        To comply with the Council’s Pay Policy Statement


The meeting finished at 10.00am.












