Agenda and minutes

Annual Meeting, Council - Wednesday, 8th May, 2024 12.00 pm

Venue: The Guildhall, High Street, Guildford

Contact: John Armstrong, Democratic Services and Elections Manager  Tel: (01483) 444102


No. Item


Election of Mayor

The Council to consider the election of the Mayor for the municipal year 2024-25. 

At its extraordinary meeting on 23 January 2024, the Council approved the nomination of Councillor Sallie Barker MBE as Mayor of the Borough for the municipal year 2024-25.

Following their election, the Mayor will take the statutory declaration of acceptance of office.

The Council to record its appreciation for the services rendered by the retiring Mayor, Councillor Masuk Miah.


Additional documents:


Upon the motion of Councillor Philip Brooker, seconded by Councillor Matt Furniss, the Council unanimously

RESOLVED: That Councillor Sallie Barker MBE be elected Mayor for the municipal year 2024-25.

Councillor Masuk Miah vacated the chair.

Having been invested with the Mayoral robes and Chain of Office, Councillor Sallie Barker MBE made the statutory Declaration of Acceptance of Office and took the Oath of Allegiance. The Mayor then took the chair.

The Mayor asked the Council to record their appreciation of services rendered by the retiring Mayor, Councillor Masuk Miah over the past municipal year and invested him with the past Mayor’s badge.



Appointment of Deputy Mayor

The Council to consider the appointment of the Deputy Mayor for the municipal year 2024-25. 

At its extraordinary meeting on 23 January 2024, the Council approved the nomination of Councillor Howard Smith as Deputy Mayor of the Borough for the municipal year 2024-25.

Following their appointment, the Deputy Mayor will take the statutory declaration of acceptance of office.


Additional documents:


Upon the motion of The Mayor, Councillor Sallie Barker MBE, seconded by Councillor Masuk Miah, the Council unanimously

RESOLVED: That Councillor Howard Smith be appointed Deputy Mayor for the municipal year 2024-25. 

Having been invested with the Deputy Mayor’s robes and Chain of Office, Councillor Howard Smith made the statutory Declaration of Acceptance of Office and took the Oath of Allegiance.



Apologies for absence

To receive apologies for absence from Councillors, Honorary Freemen and Honorary Aldermen.


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Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Phil Bellamy, Yves de Contades, Amanda Creese, Geoff Davis, Stephen Hives, Richard Lucas, Carla Morson, Katie Steel, Jane Tyson, and Fiona White, and from Honorary Aldermen Catherine Cobley, Vas Kapsalis, Jayne Marks, Tony Phillips, Nick Sutcliffe, and Lynda Strudwick.



Declarations of interest

To receive from Members, declarations of interest in relation to any items included on the agenda for this meeting in accordance with the Councillors’ Code of Conduct.


Additional documents:


There were no declarations of interest.


Mayor's Communications

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The Mayor made the following announcements:

(a)    Civic Service – 12 May 2024

The Mayor invited councillors to accompany her to the Civic Service at Holy Trinity Church, High Street, Guildford at 11.30am on Sunday 12 May 2024.   

(b)    ‘Part Two’ of the Annual Meeting (Selection Meeting) - 13 May 2024

         The Mayor also reminded councillors that there would be a meeting of the Council at 7pm on Monday 13 May 2024 to consider, among other things, the appointment of committees, and appointment of committee chairs and vice-chairs for the municipal year 2024-25.

(c)    Councillor Geoff Davis

The Mayor informed the Council that Councillor Davis had been taken ill with a serious bacterial infection and had been in hospital and was expected to move into a specialist rehabilitation centre.  On behalf of the Council, the Mayor wished Councillor Davis a very speedy recovery.

(d)    Big Charity Fund Raising Walk - Sunday 19 May 2024

The Mayor reminded councillors that the Big Charity Fund Raising Walk would be starting and finishing at Shalford Park on Sunday 19 May, and that she would be walking the 10-mile route in aid of her chosen charity for this event, which was the Mayor of Guildford’s Local Support Fund, and would welcome as much sponsorship from councillors as possible.





Mayor's Chaplain

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The Mayor announced the appointment of Rev. Ruth Brothwell, Assistant Priest, The Church of St Peter and St Paul, The Street, West Clandon as her Chaplain for the municipal year 2024-25.


Appointment of Honorary Remembrancer

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Upon the motion of The Mayor, Councillor Sallie Barker MBE, seconded by The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Howard Smith, the Council unanimously

RESOLVED: That Mr Matthew Alexander be appointed Honorary Remembrancer for the municipal year 2024-25.