Venue: Council Chamber, Millmead House, Millmead, Guildford, Surrey GU2 4BB. View directions
Contact: Sophie Butcher, Committee Officer. 01483 444056 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors David Goodwin and Marsha Moseley. |
Local Code of Conduct - Disclosable Pecuniary Interests In accordance with the local Code of Conduct, a councillor is required to disclose at the meeting any disclosable pecuniary interest (DPI) that they may have in respect of any matter for consideration on this agenda. Any councillor with a DPI must notparticipate in any discussion or vote regarding that matter and they must also withdraw from the meeting immediately before consideration of the matter.
If that DPI has not been registered, the councillor must notify the Monitoring Officer of the details of the DPI within 28 days of the date of the meeting.
Councillors are further invited to disclose any non-pecuniary interest which may be relevant to any matter on this agenda, in the interests of transparency, and to confirm that it will not affect their objectivity in relation to that matter.
Additional documents: Minutes: There were no disclosures of interest. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Licensing Committee held on 28 September 2022.
Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Licensing Committee held on 28 September 2022 were approved and signed by the Chairman. |
Announcements To receive any announcements from the Chairman of the Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairperson, Councillor Young wished to express her gratitude to Justine Fuller, Head of Environmental and Regulatory Services for all of her hard work as she was leaving at the end of the year and would be missed.
Animal Activity Licensing Policy PDF 148 KB The Committee to consider an updated draft Animal Activity Licensing Policy and approve public consultation. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received a report from the Senior Specialist for Licensing and Community Safety, Mike Smith. The Committee noted that on 1 October 2018 changes were made to the way in which animal boarding establishments, dog breeding establishments, pet shops and riding establishments were licensed. The Council therefore adopted a Policy on 29 May 2019 for the licensing of activities involving animals. The policy was recommended for review every three years and the Committee was therefore asked to review the updated policy. The updated policy included minor changes which were intended to allow the Council to achieve the RSPCA Gold Paw Print for Animal Licensing. The Committee was asked to recommend the policy for public consultation for a period of twelve weeks with the final policy to be approved by the Committee in early 2023.
The Committee discussed the policy and asked whether a licence was only required for dog breeders who bred litters more than three times a year. That was considered to be a lot of puppies. The Senior Specialist for Licensing and Community Safety, Mike Smith confirmed that a person did require a licence if they bred puppies three or more times a year or advertised a business to breed dogs.
The Committee also sought clarification on the scoring matrix which had a higher risk under the welfare standards for 1 and 2 stars which were the same and was that correct? The Senior Specialist for Licensing and Community Safety, Mike Smith confirmed that the scoring matrix was set out in the guidance of the regulations. The licence duration was based upon the star rating and the star rating was governed by how compliant the business was.
The Committee having discussed the report;
RESOLVED to approve the draft Animal Welfare Licensing Policy for a 12-week public consultation.
Best Bar None Update The Committee to receive an update in relation to the Purple Flag Update. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee noted that it was receiving an update in relation to Best Bar None, not Purple Flag which had been listed incorrectly on the agenda.
The Committee received a verbal update from the Senior Specialist for Licensing and Community Safety, Mike Smith regarding Best Bar None. Following a two-year absence due to COVID. On 12 October 2022, delivered by Experience Guildford, the town centre’s Business Improvement District, the nationally acclaimed awards celebrated best practice amongst the licensed trade, showcasing the hard work and commitment of Guildford’s venues to create and run safe, responsible and inviting town centre evening economy businesses. A total of 34 venues gained Best Bar None accreditation across nine key categories, covering national and independent operators across the bar, pub, restaurant, late night venue and entertainment sectors. Each venue was assessed and judged by an expert panel on their delivery of four set operational criteria to select individual category winners. The assessment criteria included: Prevention of crime and disorder, Public safety, Prevention of public nuisance and Protection of children from harm. The list of winners is detailed below: Best Bar Restaurant/Café Independent – Tattam’s (Presented by Nick Chinn, Guildford Inspector, Surrey Fire and Rescue) Best Restaurant National – Turtle Bay (Presented by Councillor Maddy Redpath) Best Pub Independent – The Guildford Tup (Presented by Luke Seymore Stonegate Area Manager) Best Pub National – The Star (Presented by Sylvia Oates National BBN Co-Ordinator) Best Entertainment Venue – G Live (Presented by Paul Bradford Hogs Back Brewery) Best Bar Independent – The Jubilee Club (Presented by Ellie Versey-Thompson Deputy PCC) Best Bar National – The Rodboro Buildings (Presented by Steph Austin Prima Cura Training) Best Late Night Venue Small – Alley Bar (Presented by Ben Pitt Street Angels) Best Late Night Venue Large – Casino (Presented by Alison Barlow Assistant Chief Constable Surrey Police) Outstanding Contribution to the Evening & Late Night Economy – Ben Pitt @ Street Angels (Presented by Pete Lambert) Most Improved Venue – Alley Bar (Presented by Dennis Booth Mayor) Overall Winner – Casino (Presented by Jane Lyons) – this venue goes to represent the town in the national Annual Best Bar None Awards held at the House of Lords The Committee commended the awards given to the premises who had worked hard to achieve Best Bar None status. The Committee also noted that Street Angels had created a much safer environment in Guildford Town through their patrols whom were now just supported by the Police. The Committee noted their gratitude to Experience Guildford for hosting the event.
Licensing Committee Work Programme PDF 65 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee noted its work programme and that they would receive an update with regard to Purple Flag at its meeting potentially in January 2023 which was subject to the Council being reaccredited for its Purple Flag status by the AGCM.
Street Trading and Collections Policy was due to be reviewed as part of its three-five year review cycle.
The Pavement Licensing Policy was reviewed in September 2022, as part of the Government’s Levelling Up Bill, it was hoped this policy would become a permanent feature of the Council’s responsibilities rather than Highways and further updates required then.
Hackney Carriage Policy - the Department for Transport had recently reviewed its Best Practice Guidance which when available would be incorporated into an updated policy for the Committee to review. |