Agenda, decisions and minutes

Executive - Tuesday, 21st April, 2020 7.00 pm

Venue: This meeting will be held by remote access. For members of the public, please dial: 0203 855 4748 and dial conference ID: 768 465 540#

Contact: John Armstrong, Democratic Services Manager 


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

Additional documents:


There were no apologies for absence.


Local Code of Conduct - Disclosable Pecuniary Interest

In accordance with the local Code of Conduct, a councillor is required to disclose at the meeting any disclosable pecuniary interest (DPI) that they may have in respect of any matter for consideration on this agenda.  Any councillor with a DPI must notparticipate in any discussion or vote regarding that matter and they must also withdraw from the meeting immediately before consideration of the matter.


If that DPI has not been registered, the councillor must notify the Monitoring Officer of the details of the DPI within 28 days of the date of the meeting.


Councillors are further invited to disclose any non-pecuniary interest which may be relevant to any matter on this agenda, in the interests of transparency, and to confirm that it will not affect their objectivity in relation to that matter.


Additional documents:


There were no declarations of pecuniary interest.


There were no declarations of interest.


Decisions pdf icon PDF 352 KB

To confirm the decisions taken by the Leader of the Council on 24 March 2020.

Additional documents:


The decisions taken by the Leader of the Council on 24 March 2020 were noted.


The decisions taken by the Leader of the Council on 24 March 2020 were noted.


Leader's Announcements

Additional documents:


The Leader made two announcements:



Firstly, the Leader made a statement on this Council’s local response to the Covid 19 pandemic.


The community spirit and help being given by residents to support the most vulnerable people across the borough in difficult times was described as both outstanding and heart-warming. This spirit would be needed as the community finally emerged and recovered from the crisis.


The coronavirus pandemic had brought out a new respect for the value of public service, most visibly through the applause for the NHS and care workers on Thursday evenings. It was noted that importantly, other keyworkers were also being acknowledged. At a local level, people had been showing much gratitude and appreciation for Council staff delivering essential services. For example, notes had been attached to bins to thank refuse and recycling crews and there had been appreciation on social media from residents for the beautiful parks and countryside in the borough. There had been many messages of thanks received for the ways in which the Council had been supporting the community.


The Leader expressed sincere thanks to Council staff for maintaining essential services during the period of ongoing restriction. In addition, praise was given for the way in which the Council had, within a matter of weeks or even days in some cases, reorganised itself to deliver entirely new services to protect the most vulnerable residents. New community helplines had been installed and were being staffed seven days a week, local food distribution hubs had been established, Spectrum was operating as the countywide base for distributing food to those who were shielding, meals on wheels had been stepped-up and guidance and advice was being provided to residents through Council communications like never before. The Council was receiving wonderful feedback from those who had received food parcels and phone calls.


An indication of the scale of change and adaptation by the Council in playing a part in supporting the community through this crisis was set out as follows:


·         4,919 telephone calls had been made to the most vulnerable residents


·         1,021 calls had been received by the vulnerable persons helpline and housing advice service


·         399 food parcel deliveries had been delivered to residents


·         1,087 food parcels had been delivered countywide from Guildford Spectrum


·         4,492 meals on wheels had been provided


·         88 urgent minor home adaptations had been completed to keep elderly and vulnerable residents safe


·         31,851 information leaflets had been delivered to households by staff and volunteers


·         41 homeless people had been placed in accommodation


·         85 staff had been redeployed to welfare hubs and the vulnerable persons helpline


·         40,613 web pages had been viewed on the coronavirus section of the Council’s website


·         57,939 public engagements had been recorded with our social media activity


·         441 grants had been paid to local businesses totalling £6.4 million


The Leader thanked the Managing Director and all Council staff for the way in which they had stepped-up during such unprecedented times to protect and care for the most vulnerable people in the  ...  view the full decision text for item EX104


The Leader made two announcements:


Firstly, the Leader made a statement on this Council’s local response to the Covid 19 pandemic.


The community spirit and help being given by residents to support the most vulnerable people across the borough in difficult times was described as both outstanding and heart-warming. This spirit would be needed as the community finally emerged and recovered from the crisis.


The coronavirus pandemic had brought out a new respect for the value of public service, most visibly through the applause for the NHS and care workers on Thursday evenings. It was noted that importantly, other keyworkers were also being acknowledged. At a local level, people had been showing much gratitude and appreciation for Council staff delivering essential services. For example, notes had been attached to bins to thank refuse and recycling crews and there had been appreciation on social media from residents for the beautiful parks and countryside in the borough. There had been many messages of thanks received for the ways in which the Council had been supporting the community.


The Leader expressed sincere thanks to Council staff for maintaining essential services during the period of ongoing restriction. In addition, praise was given for the way in which the Council had, within a matter of weeks or even days in some cases, reorganised itself to deliver entirely new services to protect the most vulnerable residents. New community helplines had been installed and were being staffed seven days a week, local food distribution hubs had been established, Spectrum was operating as the countywide base for distributing food to those who were shielding, meals on wheels had been stepped-up and guidance and advice was being provided to residents through Council communications like never before. The Council was receiving wonderful feedback from those who had received food parcels and phone calls.


An indication of the scale of change and adaptation by the Council in playing a part in supporting the community through this crisis was set out as follows:


·         4,919 telephone calls had been made to the most vulnerable residents


·         1,021 calls had been received by the vulnerable persons helpline and housing advice service


·         399 food parcel deliveries had been delivered to residents


·         1,087 food parcels had been delivered countywide from Guildford Spectrum


·         4,492 meals on wheels had been provided


·         88 urgent minor home adaptations had been completed to keep elderly and vulnerable residents safe


·         31,851 information leaflets had been delivered to households by staff and volunteers


·         41 homeless people had been placed in accommodation


·         85 staff had been redeployed to welfare hubs and the vulnerable persons helpline


·         40,613 web pages had been viewed on the coronavirus section of the Council’s website


·         57,939 public engagements had been recorded with our social media activity


·         441 grants had been paid to local businesses totalling £6.4 million


The Leader thanked the Managing Director and all Council staff for the way in which they had stepped-up during such unprecedented times to protect and care for the most vulnerable people in the  ...  view the full minutes text for item EX104


Revocation of the Taxi Rank, Guildford Park Road pdf icon PDF 513 KB

Additional documents:



That the single objection received to the proposal be not supported and the revocation of the hackney carriage stand in Guildford Park Road, Guildford, as described in the report, be approved.



In support of the improvements for all modes of transport between the rail station, the University, Hospital and the Research Park. The removal of the taxi rank is part of a series of improvements proposed along Guildford Park Road.


Options considered and rejected:

Not to move the taxi rank.


Details of any conflict of interest declared by any lead councillor and any dispensation granted:





The Lead Councillor for Waste Licensing and Parking introduced the report and endorsed the recommendation.


The Executive was asked to consider the removal of the Hackney Carriage Stand (Taxi Rank) on Guildford Park Road, outside the rear entrance to Guildford Station following the completion of the required statutory consultation as part of the wider Sustainable Movement Corridor works. Having considered the single objection to the proposal, full details of which were included in the report, the Executive


RESOLVED: That the single objection received to the proposal be not supported and the revocation of the hackney carriage stand in Guildford Park Road, Guildford, as described in the report, be approved.



In support of the improvements for all modes of transport between the rail station, the University, Hospital and the Research Park. The removal of the taxi rank is part of a series of improvements proposed along Guildford Park Road.



COVID19 Emergency Budget pdf icon PDF 487 KB

Additional documents:




The Executive approved the following recommendation to Council (5 May 2020)


That the Council:


1)    Notes the Council’s duties and response so far in dealing with the COVID19 pandemic

2)    Notes the initial assessment of the impact on Guildford Borough Council’s short-term financial position

3)    Approves a revenue supplementary estimate of £15million to be funded from general fund reserves, such funding to be drawn down only if further government support is not forthcoming or is insufficient to cover the financial impact of COVID19 on the Council and sufficient cost savings cannot be found

4)    Notes the advice of the Chief Finance Officer in paragraph 5.18 regarding the level of reserves and the potential need to rebuild reserves to a sufficient level if government grant support falls short

5)    Notes the changes to Local Authority powers and duties introduced by the Coronavirus Act 2020 and delegates to the Managing Director, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, authority to amend service provision in accordance with the Council’s statutory duties as these may be varied by the Act, regulations and guidance made thereunder.


Reason for Recommendation:

To enable the Council to continue to respond to the COVID19 emergency


Options considered and rejected:



Details of any conflict of interest declared by any lead councillor and any dispensation granted:



The Executive noted that Guildford Borough Council was a category 1 responder to civil emergencies under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004.  The Council had an important role in responding locally to COVID19. In addition, there was a duty to ensure that crucial council services continued to operate in such unprecedented times. The Executive was asked to consider the Council’s response to COVID-19 to date, the impact on services and to approve an emergency budget to support the Council’s response.


The Lead Councillor for Finance and Assets, Customer Service introduced the report and gave thanks to council teams, communities, public and private groups and individuals around the borough for their support and assistance during such unprecedented times. The best and worst impact on the council’s budget was estimated to be between £5 million to £15 million respectively. Grants for business were still available and the lead councillor urged local businesses to contact the council in this regard.


The Executive unanimously



That the following recommendation to full Council on 5 May 2020 be supported:


That the Council:


1)    Notes the Council’s duties and response so far in dealing with the COVID19 pandemic

2)    Notes the initial assessment of the impact on Guildford Borough Council’s short-term financial position

3)    Approves a revenue supplementary estimate of £15million to be funded from general fund reserves, such funding to be drawn down only if further government support is not forthcoming or is insufficient to cover the financial impact of COVID19 on the Council and sufficient cost savings cannot be found

4)    Notes the advice of the Chief Finance Officer in paragraph 5.18 regarding the level of reserves and the potential need to rebuild reserves to a sufficient level if government grant support falls short

5)    Notes the changes to Local Authority powers and duties introduced by the Coronavirus Act 2020 and delegates to the Managing Director, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, authority to amend service provision in accordance with the Council’s statutory duties as these may be varied by the Act, regulations and guidance made thereunder.



To enable the Council to continue to respond to the COVID19 emergency.