15 North Street Development Site, Guildford PDF 245 KB
Additional documents:
To authorise the Strategic Services Director, in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Regeneration:
1. To approve the detailed plans and specification for the refurbished bus interchange.
2. To approve the detailed plans and specification for the proposed pedestrianisation of North Street.
3. To approve temporary North Street Market arrangements to facilitate the implementation of the developer’s planning consent.
5. To seek approval to remove the existing taxi rank in North Street that is located outside the Marks and Spencer store and to make any necessary arrangements and complete any agreements as necessary to proceed with seeking such approval to facilitate the North Street Development and to follow all necessary statutory requirements when seeking such approval.
6. To approve any temporary parking changes that are required to facilitate temporary market and taxi rank arrangements.
To progress the scheme
Other options considered and rejected by the Executive:
To not approve the request for additional delegated authority which would result in a risk of the Council failing to meet its contractual obligations.
Details of any conflict of interest declared by the Leader or lead councillors and any dispensation granted:
The North Street redevelopment project had run for over 3 years. The Council had held ownership of around 20% of the site and aimed to get best value from the sale. As a result of negotiation, the contract with St Edwards included delivery of a refurbished bus station, new access and exit road systems and improvements to the public realm. The Council had exchanged contracts with St Edwards on 8 March 2022, with St Edwards contractually required to deliver plans setting out a detailed specification for the bus interchange and pedestrianisation of North Street to the Council at least four weeks before any planning application was submitted. St Edwards had undertaken consultation with stakeholders, residents and councillors and was presently at ‘pre-app’ stage with the LPA. The Council must approve or reject the detailed plans submitted by St Edwards within fifteen working days. Should the Council not respond within that timescale then consent would be deemed to have been granted. The timescale for delivery of those plans to the Council was restrictive given the scheduled submission of a planning application in July. Therefore, to minimise the probability of the Council failing to meet its contractual obligations delegated authority was sought to enable a timely response.
The report also set out other associated matters where delegated authority was sought in relation to the market and taxi ranks to enable commencement of works and the implementation of a planning consent.
It was noted that the delegated authorities sought did not affect or impede the Local Planning Authority in deciding the developer’s planning application in the normal way.
The Lead Councillor for Regeneration agreed that the Executive would be kept informed of delegated decisions taken under authority and all other councillors informed in due course, with regard to any commercial constraints, if the recommendations were approved.
The Executive was satisfied that the project to date had been transparent and the planning process would offer stakeholders an opportunity to comment on the detailed plans. Consequently, the Executive
To authorise the Strategic Services Director, in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Regeneration:
1. To approve the detailed plans and specification for the refurbished bus interchange.
2. To approve the detailed plans and specification for the proposed pedestrianisation of North Street.
3. To approve temporary North Street Market arrangements to facilitate the implementation of the developer’s planning consent.
4. To approve any temporary taxi rank arrangements required to facilitate implementation of the developer’s planning consent once all necessary statutory requirements ... view the full minutes text for item 15
75 North Street Development Site, Guildford PDF 125 KB
Additional documents:
1. Agreed the working group’s recommendation for the design and high-level specification for the refurbished bus interchange.
2. Agreed the working group’s recommendation for the design and high-level specification for the proposed pedestrianisation of North Street.
3. Greed to move £150,000 from the 2022-23 provisional capital programme to the approved capital programme to fund the ongoing work on the North Street Project.
To maintain progress with the North Street development project.
Other options considered and rejected by the Executive:
Details of any conflict of interest declared by the Leader or lead councillors and any dispensation granted:
The Lead Councillor for Regeneration introduced the report.
Since July 2019 the Council had been in negotiations with the developer St Edward to agree terms for the sale of its land within the North Street development site in order to facilitate the construction of a residential led mixed-use scheme to include a refurbished bus interchange and pedestrianisation. Following the Executive meeting on 26 October 2021 a working group of stakeholders had been formed. The working included St Edwards representatives, the Guildford Business Improvement District, M&G who were owners of the Friary Shopping Centre and Stagecoach; four ward councillors and officers from Surrey County Council and Guildford Borough Council. As agreed by the Executive the working group would make recommendations in respect of the design of the refurbished bus station including the associated access and public realm improvements and the proposed pedestrianisation of North Street. There had been three meetings of the working group where architects Scott Brownrigg, Murdoch Wickham and St Edwards had presented.
Agreement of a high-level specification for the refurbished bus interchange and the pedestrianisation of North Street was required to enable the exchange of the sale contract for the sale of the council’s land and the redevelopment of the North Street site to proceed.
In paragraph 4.5 of the report it was stated there would be a £500,000 shortfall on the budget due to the proposed taxi rank and roadway re-arrangements that were found to come with a much higher cost than anticipated. The Lead Councillor Regeneration announced that the developer had absorbed this cost and consequently the figures detailed in paragraph 4.6 should be adjusted accordingly.
The Lead Councillor stressed that the proposals were at high level specification stage and that more detailed proposals would be put to the Executive, involve full consultation and planning processes in due course.
The Executive,
1. To agree the working group’s recommendation for the design and high-level specification for the refurbished bus interchange.
2. To agree the working group’s recommendation for the design and high-level specification for the proposed pedestrianisation of North Street.
3. To move £150,000 from the 2022-23 provisional capital programme to the approved capital programme to fund the ongoing work on the North Street Project.
To maintain progress with the North Street development project.
North Street Development Site, Guildford
Additional documents:
(1) To agree the Heads of Terms, which included:
· The sale of the majority of the Council's interest in the Site.
· The grant of a long leasehold of the area to the south of the refurbished bus station for the creation of new public realm.
· Provision of a refurbished bus facility.
· Pedestrianisation of North Street.
· Leapale Road widening.
· New North Street / Leapale Road junction.
(2) To undertake further work to establish a clear understanding of the scope, extent and estimated costs of any public works and services included in the proposed development and, subject to obtaining this information, to consider options for procuring the delivery of any public works and services to ensure compliance with the Find a Tender rules and the Council's procurement policies.
(3) To authorise the Strategic Services Director, in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Regeneration, to agree any minor variations to the heads of terms to address any specific points arising during the course of contractual negotiations with the Purchaser.
(4) To authorise the Strategic Services Director, in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Regeneration and the Director of Resources, to negotiate and enter into all associated property/contractual documentation required in order to facilitate the sale of the Council's interests in the Site, subject to receiving final valuation advice from the Council's external advisors confirming that the transaction amounts to the best consideration reasonably obtainable.
(5) To authorise the Strategic Services Director, in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Regeneration, to establish a working group consisting of stakeholders, councillors and officers to make recommendations to the Executive in respect of the design of the refurbished bus interchange (including the associated access and public realm improvements) and the proposed pedestrianisation of North Street.
(6) To authorise the Strategic Services Director, in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Regeneration to develop and take forward a plan for engagement with market traders, taxi operators and any other parties that are impacted by the development.
(7) To note the Council’s public sector equality duties under section 149(1) of the Equality Act 2010.
To progress the proposals for redeveloping the site.
Other options considered and rejected by the Executive:
Details of any conflict of interest declared by the Leader or lead councillors and any dispensation granted:
The Executive considered a report that updated on the progress of the Council's interests in the site, explained the proposed changes to the developer’s proposals for the redevelopment of the site and discussed how those various proposals were set out, including engagement with relevant stakeholders and interested groups. The Lead Councillor for Regeneration introduced the report.
The Executive was content with progress and consequently,
(1) To agree the Heads of Terms, which included:
· The sale of the majority of the Council's interest in the Site.
· The grant of a long leasehold of the area to the south of the refurbished bus station for the creation of new public realm.
· Provision of a refurbished bus facility.
· Pedestrianisation of North Street.
· Leapale Road widening.
· New North Street / Leapale Road junction.
(2) To undertake further work to establish a clear understanding of the scope, extent and estimated costs of any public works and services included in the proposed development and, subject to obtaining this information, to consider options for procuring the delivery of any public works and services to ensure compliance with the Find a Tender rules and the Council's procurement policies.
(3) To authorise the Strategic Services Director, in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Regeneration, to agree any minor variations to the heads of terms to address any specific points arising during the course of contractual negotiations with the Purchaser.
(4) To authorise the Strategic Services Director, in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Regeneration and the Director of Resources, to negotiate and enter into all associated property/contractual documentation required in order to facilitate the sale of the Council's interests in the Site, subject to receiving final valuation advice from the Council's external advisors confirming that the transaction amounts to the best consideration reasonably obtainable.
(5) To authorise the Strategic Services Director, in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Regeneration, to establish a working group consisting of stakeholders, councillors and officers to make recommendations to the Executive in respect of the design of the refurbished bus interchange (including the associated access and public realm improvements) and the proposed pedestrianisation of North Street.
(6) To authorise the Strategic Services Director, in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Regeneration to develop and take forward a plan for engagement with market traders, taxi operators and any other parties that are impacted by the development.
(7) To note the Council’s public sector equality duties under section 149(1) of the Equality Act 2010.
To progress the proposals for redeveloping the site.
North Street Development Site, Guildford
Additional documents:
(1) To note that the scheme is being redesigned and that this will require the Heads of Terms for the sale of the Council’s land to be renegotiated with St Edward.
(2) To note that the following documents which relate to the Friary Centre bus station transaction are being negotiated and agreed:
(a) deed of surrender and variation of the Friary Centre headlease between M&G and the Council.
(b) new headlease of the bus station between the Council and St Edward.
(c) new underlease of the bus station between St Edward and the Council; and
(3) To authorise the transaction in respect of the Friary Centre bus station to proceed immediately and independently of the sale of the Council's interest in the Site.
(4) To authorise the Managing Director, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Lead Councillor for Regeneration, to approve the final terms of the Friary Centre bus station documentation referred to in paragraph 2 above, and to finalise the transaction.
(6) To agree a virement of £70,000 from the corporate inflation budget to the asset management budget to fund the bus station repair costs and provide an annual budget, and to note that there is also a potential £45,000 one off repair payment as detailed in paragraph 5.5 of the Executive report.
(7) To note the advice received from AECOM as set out in section 12 of the Executive report and to confirm that the Council will continue to identify and address equalities implications arising from the proposed transaction.
(8) To agree that, due to the urgency of this matter, the call-in procedure shall not apply in respect of the decisions referred to in paragraphs (1) to (7) above.
To progress the project.
Other options considered and rejected by the Executive:
Details of any conflict of interest declared by the lead or lead councillors and any dispensation granted:
The Executive considered a report that set out progress to date regarding the sale of the Council’s interests on the site and to seek the necessary permissions for the leasing arrangements of the bus station prior to the sale. The Executive was also asked to note the Equalities Impact Assessment advice as prepared by AECOM.
The Lead Councillor for Regeneration spoke to the report and there was agreement that sound progress was being made with the project and that appropriate and positive consultations were being undertaken.
The Executive,
(1) To note that the scheme is being redesigned and that this will require the Heads of Terms for the sale of the Council’s land to be renegotiated with St Edward.
(2) To note that the following documents which relate to the Friary Centre bus station transaction are being negotiated and agreed:
a) deed of surrender and variation of the Friary Centre headlease between M&G and the Council.
b) new headlease of the bus station between the Council and St Edward.
c) new underlease of the bus station between St Edward and the Council; and
(3) To authorise the transaction in respect of the Friary Centre bus station to proceed immediately and independently of the sale of the Council's interest in the Site.
(4) To authorise the Managing Director, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Lead Councillor for Regeneration, to approve the final terms of the Friary Centre bus station documentation referred to in paragraph (2) above, and to finalise the transaction.
(5) To note the additional responsibilities on the part of the Council in respect of the bus station as set out in section 5 of the Executive report and to accept, including making an allowance of an additional budget of £60,000 to cover immediate costs associated with works to keep the bus station land safe and insured and £10,000 for ad hoc repairs, insurance and utilities.
(6) To agree a virement of £70,000 from the corporate inflation budget to the asset management budget to fund the bus station repair costs and provide an annual budget, and to note that there is also a potential £45,000 one off repair payment as detailed in paragraph 5.5 of the Executive report.
(7) To note the advice received from AECOM as set out in section 12 of the Executive report and to confirm that the Council will continue to identify and address equalities implications arising from the proposed transaction.
(8) To agree that, due to the urgency of this matter, the call-in procedure shall not apply in respect of the decisions referred to in paragraphs (1) to (7) above.
To progress the project.