Issue - meetings

Green Belt SPD

Meeting: 23/11/2023 - Executive (Item 34)

34 Adoption of the Green Belt Supplementary Planning Document pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Additional documents:



That the Green Belt Supplementary Planning Document, as shown in Appendix 1 to the report submitted to the Executive, be adopted.


Adopting the new SPD would provide detailed guidance for adopted Local Plan: Strategy and Sites policy P2. This would help ensure clarity and consistency in decision making.

Other options considered and rejected by the Executive:

To reject the SPD or instruct officers to make amendments before returning the document to the Executive.

Amendments would result in a considerable delay in the adoption of the guidance and the benefits associated with it due to the need to reconsult on the amended document and take it back through the committee process.

Details of any conflict of interest declared by the Leader or lead councillors and any dispensation granted:



The report was introduced by the Lead Councillor for Planning, Environment and Climate Change. The Planning Policy officer team were commended for their work in producing the draft documentation.

The report recommended the adoption of the Green Belt Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). It was noted that the SPD did not create new policy but rather provided guidance for existing Green Belt policy as contained in Policy P2 of the Local Plan: strategy and sites 2015-2034. The SPD had taken around a year to produce and had been considered by the Council’s cross-party internal Planning Policy Board (previously the Local Plan Panel). Appendix 2, paragraph 4.2 of the report set out how the SPD had been shaped following the comments made by that Board, including an additional insert to make a distinction for the use of buildings for agriculture and forestry uses.

If adopted, the SPD would be a material consideration in planning decisions. Adoption of the SPD would also help applicants and decision makers in the submission and determination of planning applications by providing additional clarity and ensuring better consistency.

The Executive,


That the Green Belt Supplementary Planning Document, as shown in Appendix 1 to the report submitted to the Executive, be adopted.


Adopting the new SPD would provide detailed guidance for adopted Local Plan: Strategy and Sites policy P2. This would help ensure clarity and consistency in decision making.