82 Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places 2022 PDF 123 KB
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Following the final recommendations of the Local Government Boundary Commission for England’s Periodic Review of Electoral Arrangements for Guildford Borough Council in 2021-22, a review of all polling districts and polling places under the new warding patterns had been undertaken in preparation for the full Borough Council and Parish Council Elections to be held on 4 May 2023. The Register of Electors would be re-published on 1 February 2023 reflecting the new warding patterns.
The Council considered a report which set out recommendations arising from the review, including details of the ten responses to the consultation, which had taken place between 4 October and 15 November 2022. The report included maps of the proposed new polling districts, which had been amended in response to the consultation, and a list of the proposed Designated Polling Places for the new Polling Districts.
Upon the motion of the Deputy Leader of the Council, Councillor Joss Bigmore seconded by the Leader of the Council, Councillor Julia McShane, the Council
(1) That the new polling districts, as shown on the maps attached as Appendices 3 - 23 to the report submitted to the Council, be approved.
(2) That the designated polling places for each of the polling districts as shown on the maps in Appendices 3 – 23 to the report and listed by address in Appendix 24 be approved.
As a result of this statutory review, the new designated polling places will improve elector polling experience and further reduce the necessity for schools to close on polling days.