Issue - meetings

Infrastructure Funding Statement 2021-22

Meeting: 05/01/2023 - Executive (Item 70)

70 Infrastructure Funding Statement 2021-22 pdf icon PDF 95 KB

Additional documents:



1.    That the Infrastructure Funding Statement 2021-22 be approved.

2.    That authority to approve future Infrastructure Funding Statements be delegated to the Joint Executive Head of Planning Development.


To ensure that the Council complies with the CIL Regulations to produce and publish an annual Infrastructure Funding Statement.

Other options considered and rejected by the Executive:


Details of any conflict of interest declared by the Leader or lead councillors and any dispensation granted:




The Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) was a factual report which summarised the amount of developer contributions that had been secured, received and spent in the reported year. Regulation 121A of The Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010, as amended, required any authority receiving contributions through the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and / or through planning obligations to produce an annual Infrastructure Funding Statement to be provided to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and to be posted on the Council’s website.

The Executive would have preferred to see such funding utilised in a timelier manner, but ultimately many aspects in that regard was beyond its control.

The Executive,


1.    That the Infrastructure Funding Statement 2021-22 be approved.

2.    That authority to approve future Infrastructure Funding Statements be delegated to the Joint Executive Head of Planning Development.


To ensure that the Council complies with the CIL Regulations to produce and publish an annual Infrastructure Funding Statement.