21 Approval of the Land Disposals Policy And Guidance Document PDF 237 KB
Additional documents:
That the Land and Property Disposal Policy and Guidance Document (‘the Policy’) shown in Appendix 1 to the report submitted to the Executive be approved.
To adopt a formal policy in respect of the mechanism of land disposal in order to ensure that relevant legislation is complied with and enable the Council to ensure its land disposal procedures are transparent, whilst making the best use of its resources and achieving best value, therefore underpinning the Council’s strategic framework and the delivery of the corporate plan.
Other options considered and rejected by the Executive:
Details of any conflict of interest declared by the Leader or lead councillors and any dispensation granted:
It was explained that local authorities had the freedom to dispose of their land in any manner that they wish subject to certain provisions set out in legislation. The Council owned a range of properties for operational, strategic, and investment purposes. Periodically, reviews of all of the Council’s properties were undertaken to ascertain whether they remained relevant to the Council's purposes. Additionally, the Council also received unsolicited applications from existing occupiers of properties and from unrelated third parties enquiring as to the availability of Council land and assets. Consequently, this would lead to decisions as to whether the Council should retain or dispose of certain land or property.
The Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman (LG&SCO) considered it good practice for local authorities to have in place a comprehensive set of guidelines outlining their own approach to land disposals and a draft policy was presented with the report for consideration by the Executive.
It was noted that the policy was an internal document, and if approved would be subject to regular review by the Head of Asset Management (Climate Change Lead) with the aim of seeking continual improvement in the standard of asset disposal across all Council services. Any amendments or updates to the policy would be considered and discussed with the Lead Legal Specialist and, where relevant, the Head of Housing.
Adoption of the policy would ensure the Council’s compliance with all statutory obligations.
That the Land and Property Disposal Policy and Guidance Document (‘the Policy’) shown in Appendix 1 to the report submitted to the Executive be approved.
To adopt a formal policy in respect of the mechanism of land disposal in order to ensure that relevant legislation is complied with and enable the Council to ensure its land disposal procedures are transparent, whilst making the best use of its resources and achieving best value, therefore underpinning the Council’s strategic framework and the delivery of the corporate plan.