Decision Maker: Executive, Council
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To review the Local Plan: Strategy and Sites and conclude whether it requires updating or not.
The Executive recommended to Full Council, meeting on 21 February 2024:
1. That the Guildford Local Plan: strategy and sites (2015-2034) be updated following the findings of the review undertaken in accordance with regulation 10A of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended); and
2. Noted that a further report would be submitted to the Executive at a later date to clarify the appropriate timing for and budgetary requirements of the Local Plan update. This report should follow the national planning reform legislation and consider its implications for the update process.
1. There is a statutory requirement to review the LPSS within 5 years of its adoption. This is to assess whether it needs updating. The review findings set out in this report indicate that an update of the LPSS would be an appropriate course of action to ensure that the Council’s Local Plan remains effective into the future.
2. There are a range of uncertainties which impact on the context for the preparation of a new / updated Local Plan, some of which relate to the lack of clarity regarding the detail of proposed Government reforms to the planning system which guide plan-making. It is necessary that these are fully considered in order to set out recommendations regarding the scope and timing of a new plan-making process.
Other options considered and rejected by the Executive:
Details of any conflict of interest declared by the Leader or lead councillors and any dispensation granted:
Report author: Stuart Harrison
Publication date: 26/01/2024
Date of decision: 25/01/2024
Decided at meeting: 25/01/2024 - Executive
Effective from: 02/02/2024
Accompanying Documents: