Browse Forward Plans

Executive, 2025

Please note: As soon as the new forward plan is made available it will be published here.

(incorporating notice of key decisions to be taken by the Executive and notice of intention to conduct business in private)

Forward Plan sets out details of the various decisions that the Executive and full Council are likely to take over the next twelve months in so far as they are known at the time of publication. Except in rare circumstances where confidential or exempt information is likely to be disclosed, all decisions taken by the Executive and full Council are taken in public, and all reports and supporting documents in respect of those decisions are made available both at the Council offices and on our website.

Members of the public are welcome to attend and, in most cases, participate in all of our meetings and should seek confirmation as to the timing of any proposed decision referred to in the Forward Plan from Committee Services contact:, prior to attending any particular meeting.

Details of the membership of the Executive and the respective areas of responsibility of the Leader of the Council and the lead councillors are set out in Schedule 2 to the Forward Plan.

Key decisions

As required by the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, this document also contains information about known key decisions to be taken during this period.

A key decision is defined in the Council's Constitution as an executive decision which is likely to result in expenditure or savings of at least £200,000 or which is likely to have a significant impact on two or more wards within the Borough.

A key decision is indicated in Schedule 1 by an asterisk in the first column of each table of proposed decisions to be taken by the Executive.

In order to comply with the publicity requirements of Regulation 9 of the 2012 Regulations referred to above, we will publish this document at least 28 clear days before each meeting of the Executive by making it available for inspection by the public at the council offices during normal working hours and here on our website.

Availability of reports and other documents

Subject to any prohibition or restriction on their disclosure, copies of, or extracts from, any document to be submitted to a decision-maker for consideration in relation to a matter in respect of which a decision is to be made will normally be available for inspection at the Borough Council offices and on our website five clear working days before the meeting, or the date on which the proposed decision is to be taken. Other documents relevant to a matter in respect of which a decision is to be made may be submitted to the Executive, or to an individual decision maker, before the meeting or date on which the decision is to be taken, and copies of these will also be available on request and online.

Taking decisions in private

Where, in relation to any matter to be discussed by the Executive or full Council at a meeting, or by an individual decision-maker, the public may be excluded from the meeting due to the likely disclosure of confidential or exempt information, the documents referred to above may not contain any such confidential or exempt information.

In order to comply with the requirements of Regulation 5 of the 2012 Regulations referred to above, Schedule 1 to the Forward Plan will indicate where it is intended to deal with any matter in private due to the likely disclosure of confidential or exempt information. Where applicable, a statement of reasons for holding that part of the meeting in private together with an invitation to the public to submit written representations about why the meeting should be open to the public when the matter is dealt with will be set out on the relevant page of Schedule 1.

