To consider proposals from the task group in
respect of reviews of various corporate governance matters
(a) The Councillors' Code of Conduct (and policy on
acceptance/registration of gifts and hospitality)
(b) Compliance with the 15 best practice recommendations contained
in the report of the CSPL, Local Government Ethical Standards
(c) Guidance on social media use by Councillors
(d) Internal communications
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/01/2020
Decision due: 24 Sep 2020 by Corporate Governance and Standards Committee
Decision due: 6 Oct 2020 by Council
Lead member: Leader of the Council and Lead Councillor for Housing
Lead director:
Contact: John Armstrong, Democratic Services and Elections Manager Email:, Robert Parkin, Council Solicitor and Monitoring Officer Email: