Issue details

To grant a long lease to over the car park adjacent The Parrot Public House, Shalford

To approve the grant of the lease-leasehold interest of the subject property as laid out within this report.
To authorise the Joint Assistant Director for Assets and Property to negotiate terms for the long-leasehold disposal of the car park adjacent to The Parrot Public House, in Shalford, at best consideration and subsequently enter into all relevant legal documentation required to complete the lease in return for a capital receipt.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: Shalford;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 23/01/2025

Decision due: 27 Mar 2025 by Executive

Lead member: Lead Councillor for Finance and Property

Lead director: Joint Strategic Director Finance and Resources (S151)

Contact: Mark Appleton, Asset and Property Manager Email: