Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/02/2024
Decision due: 22 Feb 2024 by Joint Strategic Director for Legal and Democratic Services (Monitoring Officer)
Lead member: Lead Councillor for Regulatory and Democratic Services
Lead director: Joint Strategic Director - Transformation and Governance
Contact: Susan Sale, Joint Strategic Director Legal and Democratic Services (Monitoring Officer) Elaine Bradbrook Electoral Services Email: Email:
Consultation process
(a) Relevant Lead Councillor(s) N/A
(b) Local Ward Councillor(s) N/A
(c) Officers Elaine Bradbrook, Electoral Services Manager, John
Armstrong, Democratic Services and Elections Manager and Phill
Nathan, Procurement Specialist. All the officers agreed that the
extension was required as a major election is to be held in May and
a possible UK Parliamentary General Election is due in 2024.