Issue details

Lease Renewal of Protected Lease where Terms Changed since Serving of S25 Notice for Lease of Leys House, 86-88 Woodbridge Road, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4QD

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Friary & St Nicolas;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 23/11/2022

Decision due: 26 Oct 2022 by Joint Assistant Director: Assets and Property

Lead member: Lead Councillor for Finance and Property

Lead director: Joint Strategic Director - Place

Contact: Marieke van der Reijden, Assistant Director: Assets and Property Charles Wood Asset & Property Manager (Investment) 07866 164090 A122.2.001 Email:

Consultation process

(a) Cllr Tim Anderson – Email Tue 25/10/2022 17:19 agrees with proposal with no further comments being made and no conflict of interest.

(b) Cllrs Angela Goodwin; Tom Hunt; Cait Taylor – informed of decision on 25/10/22

(c) Director of Strategic Services, Dawn Hudd – Tue 25/10/2022 15:43 agrees with proposal with no further comments being made

Source of authority to take decision: Council’s 04/04/2022 Constitution Part 3, Page 3-81 Para 3(a), Executive Head: Assets and Property in consultation with the appropriate lead councillor and subject to being satisfied that the Council will receive the best consideration reasonably obtainable: Subject to consultation with the Chief Finance Officer to accept terms for the granting, renewing, reviewing and varying of leases of Council owned land and property held in the General Fund
