Your details

An ePetition can be signed by a person of any age who lives, works or studies in the area.

If you are already a registered user, you can log on and sign without having to enter all your details again. Go back to the previous page and choose 'Logon and sign online petition'.

Before signing the ePetition please provide some basic details:

Fields marked with an ' * ' are mandatory.

Please tick any that apply to you:

 I live in the local area
 I work in the local area
 I study in the local area

We need this information to verify that all petition signatories live, work or study in the local authority area. This information is not made publicly available and will not be shared with anyone. By signing this petition, you agree that this information will be held only for the purposes of this petition and will not be used other than to contact you about the status of this petition.