
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Decisions published

08/02/2024 - Appointment of Lettings Agent via Direct Award under Valuation Framework for vacant Suites at The Billings ref: 3646    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director: Assets and Property

Decision published: 19/02/2024

Effective from: 08/02/2024


Direct Award of contract to Lambert Smith Hampton for marketing and lettings of The Billings vacant offices.

Wards affected: Stoke;

Lead officer: Marieke van der Reijden

14/02/2024 - Extension of agency contract for staff ref: 3645    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director: Regulatory Services

Decision published: 15/02/2024

Effective from: 14/02/2024


To extend the contract for agency staff in the Compliance Team dealing with Private Sector Housing Enforcement, to backfill resources whilst the team continues to support the work for the Homes for Ukraine scheme. The Homes for Ukraine (H4U) budget is being used for this ECF (below) - ECF reference is EC100859. budget owner is Samantha Hutchinson. This has been approved as part of ECF process. ECF:

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Richard Homewood

31/01/2024 - 23/P/01085 - 80 The Mount, Guildford, GU2 4JB ref: 3644    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning Committee

Made at meeting: 31/01/2024 - Planning Committee

Decision published: 14/02/2024

Effective from: 31/01/2024


Councillor Howard Smith left the meeting for the duration of the consideration of this application owing to the non-pecuniary interest he declared.


The Committee considered the above-mentioned full application for erection of a detached two-storey dwelling following demolition of the existing dwelling and widening of the existing access.


Prior to the consideration of the application, the following persons addressed the Committee with Public Speaking Procedure Rules 3(b):


·        Reverend Peter Levell (to object);

·        Mr Paul Banwell (to object) and;

·        Mr Philip Andrews (Agent) (in support)


The Committee received a presentation from the Senior Planning Officer, Sakina Khanbhai.  The Committee noted that the application site was located in the urban area and situated towards the upper end of The Mount.  The existing dwelling was located on the northern side of the road which was set back and positioned on elevated land from the street level.  The plot was much wider than the neighbouring residential plot.  The surrounding area was comprised of a mix of dwelling styles.  The proposal was 14.8 metres wide and 10 metres deep with a height of 7.32 metres. 


The design proposed had been revised from an earlier withdrawn scheme with a first-floor layout so that the bathrooms were located to the rear of the dwelling with obscure glazing.  The dwelling would also be narrower than the existing dwelling with generous separation distances to neighbouring side boundaries. 


The proposed dwelling would be slightly deeper than the existing by 2.3 metres and narrower.  The existing access would also be widened, and sufficient parking spaces provided for two vehicles within the existing parking area to the front of the dwelling.  


The proposal was for a contemporary design with a simplified gable front which previously included a large amount of glazing to the rear of the property that was now obscure glazed.  The height of the proposed dwelling was also broadly in line with the existing. 


The application was therefore recommended for approval with the proposed conditions as outlined in the report and updated conditions in the supplementary late sheets.      

The Committee discussed the application and noted that the proposed huf house was not out of character with the existing neighbouring properties given there was no uniformity in the overall design employed in the neighbourhood. In addition, there was already a huf house located further up the road which fitted in well.  Concerns raised regarding overlooking at the back of the property would be successfully overcome via the proposed obscured glass.  In relation to concerns regarding an increase in on-road parking, the property did have a forecourt and so provision was made already.  If the residents did wish to park their cars on-road they would have to apply to the Surrey Highway Authority. With regard to concerns raised regarding the development representing a form of over-development, the Committee noted that the footprint of the proposal was largely similar to the existing property.  Whilst it was deeper, it would not be seen from the road or from the rear.  The proposed roof line would be higher than the existing property but was largely the same as the property to the left.  The Committee also commended the eco-design methods incorporated which included triple glazing, water efficiency measures and solar panels. 


The Committee noted further comments in support of the application that Guildford did not have a predominant architectural style.  The fact that the huf design was different to conventional houses did not mean that it was harmful. 


The Committee noted comments that the proposal did not comply with Policy D1 of the Local Plan Strategy and Sites, as far as there was a distinctive local character.  The design also failed to comply with policies D4 and D5 of the Local Plan, development management policies which required any building to enhance its surroundings, which it was felt this proposal did not.  The development was also overbearing and dominant in the street scene.










A motion was moved and seconded to approve the application which was carried.









Lizzie Griffiths





Richard Mills





Dominique Williams





Maddy Redpath





Joanne Shaw





Patrick Oven





Vanessa King





Sue Wyeth-Price





Cait Taylor





Yves de Contades





James Jones





Stephen Hives





David Bilbé





Bob Hughes










In conclusion, having taken consideration of the representations received in relation to the application, the Committee


RESOLVED to approve application 23/P/01085 subject to the conditions and reasons as detailed in the report and additional conditions as detailed below:


1) The development should be carried out in accordance with the submitted Preliminary Ecological Assessment and Biodiversity Net Gain report prepared by Ecology & Habitat Management Ltd and the recommendations set out within Table 6 and Section 6.3 of this document.


Reason: To mitigate against the loss of existing biodiversity and nature habitats.


2) No development shall take place until a Biodiversity Enhancement Plan has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.


The approved details should include measures to enhance the nature conservation interest of the site.


Reason: To increase the biodiversity of the site and mitigate any impact from the development.


3) Before any other works in association with restoration of the land are commenced, the Cotoneaster present on the site as stated in the Preliminary Ecological Assessment and Biodiversity Net Gain report which is listed as an invasive species under Schedule 9 of the Wildlife and Countryside act 1991, shall be eradicated using qualified and experienced contractors and disposed of in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act (Duty of Care regulations 1991 and a verification report shall be submitted to and approved in writing prior to the commencement of the above ground works.


Reason: To ensure the cotoneaster is eradicated in the interests of the natural habitat of the area, to prevent the spread of cotoneaster in the wider area and in the interests of residential amenities, in compliance with good practice.





1. The applicant should take action to ensure that development activities such as demolition and vegetation or site clearance are timed to avoid the bird nesting season of early March to August inclusive.


2. The applicant is advised that the submitted Preliminary Ecological Appraisal also notes that there are Cheryl Laurel and Buddleia are present on site and although not listed as an invasive species in Schedule 9 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 these are non-native invasive plants and should be eradicated from the site by a suitable qualified professional.




Wards affected: Onslow;

14/02/2024 - Ash Road Bridge Scheme – Legal Agreement between Surrey County Council (‘SCC’) and GBC for £5m SCC funding towards the ARB Project. ref: 3643    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Joint Strategic Director - Place

Decision published: 14/02/2024

Effective from: 14/02/2024


To enter into a Funding agreement with SCC in alignment with the funding reported to Council on 16th March 2023.

Wards affected: Ash South; Ash Vale; Ash Wharf;

Lead officer: Dawn Hudd

13/02/2024 - Sale of General Fund Land and Buildings at 39, 39.5, 40, 40a and 42 Castle Street and 53 Quarry Street, Guildford ref: 3641    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Joint Strategic Director - Place

Decision published: 13/02/2024

Effective from: 19/02/2024


To approve the sale of the land and buildings at 39, 39.5, 40, 40a and 42 Castle Street and 53 Quarry Street, Guildford in line with the following terms and conditions:

Freehold to be sold at Savills auction.

The assets do not pass the Council’s investment criteria and are subject to ongoing repair liability and limited reletting prospects without considerable capital expenditure.

In accordance with the Council’s General Disposal Consent powers, the proposed disposal is to be by way of public auction with the guide and reserve prices to be set in advance which will provide the ‘best consideration reasonably obtainable’.

Each party will bear their own costs in relation to the sale.

Wards affected: Castle;

Lead officer: Dawn Hudd

12/02/2024 - Surrender of Lease to Surrey County Council of the Lockwood Centre, 9-13 Westfield Road, Slyfield Industrial Estate, Guildford ref: 3639    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director: Assets and Property

Decision published: 12/02/2024

Effective from: 12/02/2024


The Council’s tenant (Surrey County Council) of the above property has requested that they be given licence to allow the surrender of the Lockwood Centre, 9-13 Westfield Road, Guildford.

For a surrender: GBC to surrender the lease with Surrey County Council who have deemed the property to be surplus to their requirements. Terms are agreed for the lease to be surrendered based on GBC receiving a premium sum of £162,000 plus VAT (equivalent to three years rent). Post surrender GBC intends to let the property (initially most likely as open storage) after demolishing the buildings and securing the necessary planning consent.

Wards affected: Bellfields & Slyfield;

Lead officer: Marieke van der Reijden

08/02/2024 - Appointment of BPS Chartered Surveyors via Mini-Competition under Valuation Framework for 195-205 High Street Guildford ref: 3638    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director: Assets and Property

Decision published: 12/02/2024

Effective from: 08/02/2024


To appoint the lowest price surveyors for the valuation of Eastgate Court at 195-205 High St in Guildford

Wards affected: Castle;

Lead officer: Marieke van der Reijden

12/02/2024 - Safer Streets Funding - Town Centre Marshals ref: 3637    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director: Regulatory Services

Decision published: 12/02/2024

Effective from: 12/02/2024


The Safer Street Fund launched in 2020 to allow Local Authorities and Police forces to bid for funding to provide measures proven to prevent neighbourhood crime, including CCTV, street lighting, alleygating and improving the security of properties at risk of neighbourhood crime.

Funding was also available to schemes delivering other interventions aimed at changing attitudes and behaviours in relation to Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) in the public domain through educational activities and behavioural change programmes. The focus will also be on the night-time economy and working with local businesses to keep women safe and raise awareness of VAWG in local pubs and bars.

In September 2023 Surrey Police were successful in securing funding for initiatives for delivering a range of interventions in Guildford to tackle Anti-Social Behaviour and VAWG over the period from 1 October 2023 to 31 March 2025 through public realm improvements and the provisions of a Street Marshalling Service.

In December 2023 the Police asked Regulatory Services to secure the Street Marshalling Service as they wished to separate the service from Policing.

£85,868 of the Safer Streets fund has been allocated to the Marshalling project, including £4k equipment costs.

Allocation of the funding for Marshalling Services will be provided to the Council by the Police for GBC to manage the contract. Marshals will work in partnership with GBC services, Surrey Police and the Experience Guildford BID with the aim of creating a town wide resource provision that can be deployed at busy times to areas at a time it is needed to support the response to Anti-Social Behaviour.

To ensure the most effective use of funding, the Marshals would be deployed in an intelligence fashion across the town to work in areas where they can be most effective and with a focus on engagement and enforcement of PSPO provisions, Anti-Social Behaviour and other environmental offences to improve the public realm.

The role of marshals is to engage, explain, encourage and secure compliance by providing a visible and supportive reassuring presence. However, we have to accept that their role and the advice being offered may not always be welcomed by the public or operators. There is a risk that certain groups and individuals will be upset at best and at worst become abusive. There may also be a demand for deployment of Marshals in certain areas at certain times creating potential conflict on demand.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Richard Homewood

12/02/2024 - Professional Services - Contract Management ref: 3636    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Joint Strategic Director - Community and Wellbeing

Decision published: 12/02/2024

Effective from: 12/02/2024


Contract award for Madlins to provide Professional Contract Management Services to assist in the delivery of GBC's Fire Door replacement programme

Wards affected: Stoke;

Lead officer: Annie Righton

09/02/2024 - Local Land Charges Register transfer to HM Land Registry ref: 3635    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director: Planning Development

Decision published: 09/02/2024

Effective from: 09/02/2024


Transfer of Guildford Borough Councils Local Land Charges Register to HM Land Registry.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Claire Upton-Brown

07/02/2024 - HRA Small Sites - Multi Disciplinary Services at 108 Georgelands ref: 3634    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director: Regeneration and Planning Policy

Decision published: 07/02/2024

Effective from: 07/02/2024


Appointment of Airey Miller to carry out multi disciplinary services including project management, quantity surveying, structural, civil and services engineering and overheating analysis for the HRA Small Site at 108 Georgelands.

Initial contract value of £25,831.40+VAT

Wards affected: Send & Lovelace;

Lead officer: Abi Lewis

06/02/2024 - Procurement of IT Health Check and vulnerability scanning services ref: 3632    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Lead Specialist for ICT

Decision published: 06/02/2024

Effective from: 06/02/2024


Procurement of an IT Health Check (ITHC) in-line with Public Sector Network (PSN) compliance requirements and a non-exclusive arrangement to support IT web service vulnerability scans in the following 12-months (capped by value).

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: James Beach

06/02/2024 - PWC Contract - Access agreement for Barnet Framework ref: 3631    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director: Regeneration and Planning Policy

Decision published: 06/02/2024

Effective from: 06/02/2024


To authorise the signing of the access agreement to enable the use of the Barnet framework.

Wards affected: Bellfields & Slyfield;

Lead officer: Abi Lewis

06/02/2024 - PWC Contract - Appraisal for potential financing options ref: 3630    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director: Regeneration and Planning Policy

Decision published: 06/02/2024

Effective from: 06/02/2024


To allow GBC to enter into a contract with PWC to carry out an appraisal of potential financing options for the Weyside Urban Village Programme.

Wards affected: Bellfields & Slyfield;

Lead officer: Abi Lewis

06/02/2024 - Surfacing works at Chantry Woods ref: 3629    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Parks and Countryside Development Lead

Decision published: 06/02/2024

Effective from: 06/02/2024


Issue contract to

Reeds Ltd


Works: To crush and re-surface track at Pilgrims Way to Chantry Wood, Guildford
Cost: £8,825

Wards affected: Castle;

Lead officer: Hendryk Jurk

06/02/2024 - GBC Timetable of Meetings 24-25 (Revised) ref: 3633    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Joint Strategic Director Legal and Democratic Services (Monitoring Officer)

Decision published: 06/02/2024

Effective from: 06/02/2024


To review and amend certain dates in the published timetable in regard to the Planning Committee to ensure a 4-week cycle. To make minor adjustments to the committee dates for the efficient progress of the budget papers for 2025. To ensure full coordination with the final Waverley Borough Council timetable for 2024-25.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Susan Sale

05/02/2024 - Appointment of Civil, Overheating and Utility Application Services for HRA Small Sites at Dunmore, Broomfield and Wharf Lane ref: 3628    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director: Regeneration and Planning Policy

Decision published: 05/02/2024

Effective from: 05/02/2024


Extension of scope to existing Airey Miller appointment to include overheating analysis, civil engineering and utility applications at the following HRA Small Sites:
- Land adjacent to 21-23 Dunmore
- Land adjacent to 27 Broomfield
- 17 Wharf Lane

The initial contract value of this additional work is £14,346+VAT

Wards affected: Send & Lovelace; Westborough;

Lead officer: Abi Lewis

02/02/2024 - NEC Supervisor ref: 3627    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Joint Strategic Director - Place

Decision published: 05/02/2024

Effective from: 02/02/2024


Direct award appointment for an NEC Supervisor.

Wards affected: Bellfields & Slyfield; Burpham;

Lead officer: Dawn Hudd

05/02/2024 - Contract with Grant Thornton for RTB Audit ref: 3625    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Head of Financial Services and S151 Officer

Decision published: 05/02/2024

Effective from: 05/02/2024


To enter into a contract with Grant Thornton in respect of Housing RTB Annual Audit £10,000.00

Lead officer: Richard Bates

05/02/2024 - Manor House Flats - Appointment of Public Engagement Specialist ref: 3626    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director: Regeneration and Planning Policy

Decision published: 05/02/2024

Effective from: 05/02/2024


Appointment of Consult Communications to provide public engagement services at the HRA Small Site at Manor House Flats.

Initial contract value of £11,440+VAT

Wards affected: Pilgrims;

Lead officer: Abi Lewis

02/02/2024 - Unit B4 Moorfield Point, Slyfield, Guildford ref: 3624    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director: Assets and Property

Decision published: 02/02/2024

Effective from: 02/02/2024


To provide agency services to market vacant industrial unit following forfeiture of lease relating to former tenant.

Wards affected: Bellfields & Slyfield;

Lead officer: Marieke van der Reijden

02/02/2024 - Procurement of mobile telephony agreement ref: 3623    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Lead Specialist for ICT

Decision published: 02/02/2024

Effective from: 02/02/2024


Procurement of mobile telephony services from BT PLC, to supply mobile telephony connections for the Council.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: James Beach

02/02/2024 - Rental valuation of auction rooms at Former Guildford Auction Rooms ref: 3622    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director: Assets and Property

Decision published: 02/02/2024

Effective from: 02/02/2024



Wards affected: Stoke;

Lead officer: Marieke van der Reijden

26/01/2024 - Grant a new Contracted-Out Lease of Unit 16 Midleton Enterprise Park. ref: 3621    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Head of Asset Management

Decision published: 01/02/2024

Effective from: 26/01/2024


To approve the grant of a new lease of unit 16 Midleton Enterprise Park.

Wards affected: Westborough;

Lead officer: Francesca Kosh

01/02/2024 - Procurement of lots 1-7 on day to day housing repairs ref: 3619    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director: Housing Services

Decision published: 01/02/2024

Effective from: 08/02/2024


Award lots 1 - 7 on day to day housing repairs procured tenders.
lot 1 External works east and west
lot 2 larger works east and west
lot 3 electrical
lot 4 Glazing
lot 5 plastering
lot 6 roofing
lot 7 decorating.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Paul Puttock

31/01/2024 - Leasehold Reform Housing and Urban Development Act 1993 – application to extend the lease term of 128 Carfax Avenue Tongham Farnham GU10 1BB ref: 3618    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Joint Strategic Director - Community and Wellbeing

Decision published: 01/02/2024

Effective from: 31/01/2024


The Council is the freehold owner of a block of flats known as 124 and 138A Carfax Avenue Tongham. Flat 128 was originally sold 22 February 2016 under the provisions of the Right to Buy for a term of 125 years from 1 July 1985 and at a ground rent of £10. The lessee served a notice on the Council in accordance with the Leasehold Reform Housing and Urban Development Act requesting an extension of the term of the lease to make it more saleable on the open market. The sale progressed and the notice to extend the term was assigned to the new owner. Under the legislation, the Council as the competent landlord, is required to grant a new lease to the owner of the flat for an additional term of 90 years on top of the unexpired term of the lease, and on the same terms as the existing lease, save that the annual ground rent will be a peppercorn if demanded.

The consideration for a new lease is governed by the legislation and determined by valuers. The lessee will be required to pay all of the Council’s legal and surveyors costs

Wards affected: Ash South;

Lead officer: Siobhan Rumble

01/02/2024 - Blackwell Park S123 Valuation ref: 3620    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director: Regeneration and Planning Policy

Decision published: 01/02/2024

Effective from: 01/02/2024


The Council requires an S123 valuation to confirm the sale of its land to the east of Blackwell Farm Guildford.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Abi Lewis

20/01/2024 - Revision in rent of the Lease dated 25th March 2014 of Transformer Chamber at The Castle Grounds, Castle Street, Guildford leased to South Eastern Power Networks plc. ref: 3617    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director: Assets and Property

Decision published: 31/01/2024

Effective from: 20/01/2024


To approve the reviewed rent of the above property leased to South Eastern Power Networks plc (UKPN).

In accordance with the provisions of clause 5 of the lease dated 25 March 2014, the passing rent of £471pa has been reviewed, and it is proposed to increase it to £625.03pa with effect from 1st January 2024.

The rent is to be increased at 5 yearly intervals with reference to the Retail Price Index (RPI). The RPI calculation is to be carried out at the end of the year 2023 to establish the amount of rent payable with effect from the 1st January 2024.

A memorandum will be endorsed on the lease recording this review.

If you have any queries, then please contact Fiona Williams who will be happy to provide further information.

Wards affected: Castle;

Lead officer: Marieke van der Reijden

30/01/2024 - Revision in rent of the Lease dated 25th March 2014 of the Transformer Chamber at Foxenden Quarry, York Road, Guildford leased to South Eastern Power Networks plc. ref: 3616    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Assistant Director: Assets and Property

Decision published: 31/01/2024

Effective from: 30/01/2024


To approve the reviewed rent of the above property leased to South Eastern Power Networks plc (UKPN).

In accordance with the provisions of clause 5 of the lease dated 25 March 2014, the passing rent of £392pa has been reviewed, and it is proposed to increase it to £520pa with effect from 1st January 2024.

The rent is to be increased at 5 yearly intervals with reference to the Retail Price Index (RPI). The RPI calculation is to be carried out at the end of the year 2023 to establish the amount of rent payable with effect from the 1st January 2024.

A memorandum will be endorsed on the lease recording this review.

Wards affected: Stoke;

Lead officer: Marieke van der Reijden