
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Climate Change Sustainable, Design, Construction and Energy SPD Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessment Determination ref: 397609/08/202409/08/2024Not for call-in
Appointment of Chairperson for Item 4 ref: 396908/08/202408/08/2024Not for call-in
North Downs Housing: Future Options Appraisal ref: 396708/08/202417/08/2024Call-in expired
Annual Returns for Charities 2022-23 ref: 396808/08/202417/08/2024Call-in expired
The Council's interests in Companies: Review of Governance Arrangements ref: 396608/08/202417/08/2024Call-in expired
A Review of the Council's interests in Companies ref: 396508/08/202417/08/2024Call-in expired
Minutes ref: 396408/08/202408/08/2024Not for call-in
Minutes ref: 395108/08/202408/08/2024Not for call-in
Adoption of the Planning Contributions for Open Space in New Developments SPD ref: 395308/08/202417/08/2024Call-in expired
Replacement / upgrade of various car park payment equipment ref: 396008/08/202417/08/2024Call-in expired
Review of Executive Working Groups 2024-25 ref: 396108/08/202417/08/2024Call-in expired
Guildford Borough LCWIP Report Endorsement ref: 395608/08/202417/08/2024Call-in expired
Assignment of Lease to Carraway Guildford (Nominee A) Ltd & Carraway Guildford (Nominee B) Ltd of The Friary Centre ref: 395825/07/202425/07/2024Not for call-in
Licence to Alter for Pathway Improvements at Land at Shalford Water Treatment Works, Dagley Lane Shalford to Thames Water Utilities Ltd. ref: 395725/07/202425/07/2024Not for call-in
Grant Wayleave of 7 Ward Street, Guildford, GU1 4LH ref: 395531/07/202431/07/2024Not for call-in
Variation to Lease dated 15/12/72 to LeedsHeath Ltd. ref: 395425/07/202425/07/2024Not for call-in
Community Meals Vehicles ref: 395915/05/202415/05/2024Not for call-in
Contract for support on the community trust at former Wisley Airfield new settlement ref: 394808/08/202408/08/2024Not for call-in
Contract for ecology support at former Wisley Airfield ref: 394708/08/202408/08/2024Not for call-in
Grant of Contracted-Out Lease of Unit 5 The Billings ref: 394607/08/202407/08/2024Not for call-in
Contract for landscape support at former Wisley Airfield ref: 394508/08/202408/08/2024Not for call-in
Contract for urban design support (design codes) at former Wisley Airfield ref: 394408/08/202408/08/2024Not for call-in
Dennis Way road valuation ref: 394306/08/202406/08/2024Not for call-in
Grant of a new Contracted-Out Lease of Units 17 & 18 Midleton Enterprise Park to Vacuums4U Ltd ref: 394205/08/202405/08/2024Not for call-in
Weyside Urban Village – s38 Agreement – Internal Estate Road Phase 2 ref: 394107/08/202414/08/2024Call-in expired
Mayor of Guildford's Charity Ball 2024 - Hire of Venue ref: 394006/08/202406/08/2024Not for call-in
Extension of Pinsent Masons contract to continue to undertake the specialist legal work required to support the Ash Road Bridge Project ref: 393906/08/202414/08/2024Call-in expired
Digital ID checks ref: 393805/08/202405/08/2024Not for call-in
Planning Contributions for Open Space in New Developments SPD Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessment Determination ref: 393602/05/202402/05/2024Not for call-in