Decision Maker: Executive
Decision due date: 31/10/2024
Wards affected: Westborough;
Lead officer: Siobhan Rumble
Notice of decision: 03/10/2024
Recommendation to sell the remaining 50%
shares to the lessee and to transfer the freehold
Decision Maker: Leader of the Council and Lead Councillor for Housing
Decision due date: 25/10/2024
Wards affected: Stoughton North;
Lead officer: Siobhan Rumble
Notice of decision: 26/09/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Guildford Borough Council to enter into an
agreement with the Highway Authority (Surrey County Council), to
agree the standard, timescales and scope of highway to be improved,
delivered and adopted.
Decision Maker: Joint Assistant Director: Regeneration and Economic Development
Decision due date: 22/10/2024
Wards affected: Bellfields & Slyfield;
Lead officer: Caroline Cheesman
Notice of decision: 24/09/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
Guildford Borough Council to enter into an
agreement with the Highway Authority (Surrey County Council), to
agree the standard, timescales and scope of highway to be improved,
delivered and adopted.
Decision Maker: Joint Assistant Director: Regeneration and Economic Development
Decision due date: 22/10/2024
Wards affected: Bellfields & Slyfield;
Lead officer: Caroline Cheesman
Notice of decision: 24/09/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
Guildford Borough Council to enter into an
agreement with the Highway Authority (Surrey County Council), to be
given the permission to undertake works on the existing public
Decision Maker: Joint Assistant Director: Regeneration and Economic Development
Decision due date: 22/10/2024
Lead officer: Caroline Cheesman
Notice of decision: 24/09/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
To enable a long term (3-4 years) contract for
Environmental Services for WUV.
Decision Maker: Joint Assistant Director: Regeneration and Economic Development
Decision due date: 22/10/2024
Wards affected: Bellfields & Slyfield;
Lead officer: Caroline Cheesman
Notice of decision: 24/09/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
Deed of variation required to amend the
wording relating to the works defined and set out in the main
contract so the main contract also states that the works include
the formation of junction to the Internal Estate Roads (IER) Phase
2 and WUV Phase 2 Sustainable Movement Corridor (SMC)
Decision Maker: Joint Assistant Director: Regeneration and Economic Development
Decision due date: 22/10/2024
Wards affected: Bellfields & Slyfield;
Lead officer: Caroline Cheesman
Notice of decision: 24/09/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
Contract for the appointment of an NEC
Supervisor whose role will be to manage/monitor NEC Contracts
entered into by GBC. This has been procured so the contract can be
utilised by the WUV Project and the Council as a whole.
Decision Maker: Joint Assistant Director: Regeneration and Economic Development
Decision due date: 22/10/2024
Wards affected: Bellfields & Slyfield;
Lead officer: Caroline Cheesman
Notice of decision: 24/09/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
Decision Maker: Executive
Decision due date: 02/01/2025
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of decision: 05/09/2024
To approve.
Decision Maker: Executive
Decision due date: 03/10/2024
Lead officer: Susan Sale
Notice of decision: 01/08/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
To approve the new updated pavement licensing policy.
Decision Maker: Executive
Decision due date: 28/11/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of decision: 11/07/2024
1. To approve the sale of the Robin Hood Car Park and part of the Bright Hill Car Park on a subject to planning basis to AMA Buchanan Investments Ltd, as set out in the Heads of Terms dated 12 June 2024.
2. To approve the expenditure of approximately £100,000 of the proceeds of the sale on ground stabilisation works to bring all of the car park retained by the Council back into operation.
3. To provide approximately £50k capital to cover the costs of the sale.
4. Delegated authority to the Strategic Director – Finance and Resources to enter into all relevant contracts in order to complete the transaction.
Decision Maker: Executive
Decision due date: 28/11/2024
Wards affected: Castle;
Lead officer: Abi Lewis, Andrew Tyldesley
Notice of decision: 24/06/2024
Anticipated restriction: Part exempt - view reasons
Explanation of anticipated restriction:
It is expected that an appendix to the committee report will contain commercially sensitive content and will be restricted under paragraph 3.
To adopt the policy.
Decision Maker: Executive
Decision due date: 27/02/2025
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Samantha Hutchison
Notice of decision: 16/05/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
Appointment of contractor to design and build
two of the HRA Small Sites developments at Clover Road and Rapleys
Field following a competitive tender and selection process through
a contractor procurement framework. The successful contractor will
initially be appointed to complete the design of each project under
a pre construction services agreement (PCSA). Subject to
satisfactory performance and costs provided the contractor will
then be appointed to build out both projects.
Decision Maker: Executive
Decision due date: 23/01/2025
Wards affected: Normandy & Pirbright; Worplesdon;
Lead officer: Simon Parsons
Notice of decision: 04/04/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
Appointment of contractor to construct four of
the HRA Small Sites developments at land adjacent to 21-23 Dunmore,
land adjacent to 27 Broomfield, 17 Wharf Lane and 108 Georgelands
following a competitive tender and selection process through a
contractor procurement framework. The successful contractor will be
appointed to construct all four projects under individual building
Decision Maker: Executive
Decision due date: 23/01/2025
Wards affected: Send & Lovelace; Westborough;
Lead officer: Simon Parsons
Notice of decision: 04/04/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
To agree the proposed scoping and budget
expenditure for Phase 3.
Decision Maker: Executive
Decision due date: 28/11/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Lead officer: Abi Lewis
Notice of decision: 03/04/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
Decision Maker: Executive, Council
Decision due date: 03/12/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of decision: 11/10/2023
Anticipated restriction: Open
To discuss the delivery of Weyside
Decision Maker: Executive
Decision due date: 28/11/2024
Wards affected: Bellfields & Slyfield; Stoke;
Lead officer: Abi Lewis
Notice of decision: 22/06/2023
Anticipated restriction: Part exempt - view reasons
Decision Maker: Council
Decision due date: 03/12/2024
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of decision: 16/02/2023
Anticipated restriction: Open
Decision Maker: Executive, Council
Decision due date: 05/02/2025
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of decision: 16/02/2023
Decision Maker: Executive, Council
Decision due date: 05/02/2025
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of decision: 16/02/2023
Decision Maker: Executive, Council
Decision due date: 05/02/2025
Notice of decision: 16/02/2023
Decision on route to market for Careline service.
Decision Maker: Executive
Decision due date: 27/02/2025
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of decision: 23/12/2021
Anticipated restriction: Open
To approve the Pay Policy Statement
Decision Maker: Council
Decision due date: 05/02/2025
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of decision: 29/12/2020
Anticipated restriction: Open