Title Notice published Urgent? Status Decision due
Freehold disposal of land known as Land to the rear of 4 Middle Farm Close, Effingham23/01/2025For Determination27/02/2025
Freehold disposal of garden land known as Land Adjoining Bridgellis, Orestan Lane, Effingham23/01/2025For Determination27/02/2025
To grant a long lease to over the car park adjacent The Parrot Public House, Shalford23/01/2025For Determination27/03/2025
New letting of unit B4 Moorfield Point, 41 Moorfield Road, Slyfield Industrial Estate, Guildford, GU1 1RU22/01/2025For Determination27/02/2025
Friary Centre15/01/2025For Determination27/03/2025
Housing Asset Management Strategy23/12/2024For Determination11/09/2025
Local Plan Update23/12/2024For Determination27/02/2025
Clover Road and Rapleys Field Pre Construction Services Agreement and Building Contract04/04/2024For Determination27/03/2025
Dunmore, Broomfield, Wharf Lane and Georgelands Building Contract04/04/2024For Determination27/03/2025
Shaping Guildford's Future Phase 303/04/2024For Determination27/02/2025
Weyside Mitigation Strategy22/06/2023For Determination12/05/2025
Careline23/12/2021For Determination24/04/2025