
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Appointment of Owen Isherwood Surveyors to market freehold interest in Wyke School Reception Building for disposal ref: 420012/12/202412/12/2024Not for call-in
Guildford Park Site - Authority to sign a Deed of Surrender associated with a historic lease provided to SEPN ref: 416712/12/202412/12/2024Not for call-in
ARB – Japanese Knotweed Warranty from Volkerfitzpatrick Limited and Brett Aggregates Limited in favour of the Council and others ref: 417110/12/202410/12/2024Not for call-in
Grant of Tenancy at Will in respect of land adjoining 54 Moorfield Road ref: 416912/12/202412/12/2024Not for call-in
Vary a Long Leasehold of 11 Woodbridge Meadows Guildford ref: 416812/12/202412/12/2024Not for call-in
CBL, Housing Register & Homeless IT ref: 416609/12/202409/12/2024Not for call-in
Friary Street Qualifying Works ref: 416514/11/202414/11/2024Not for call-in
Rent Review of 107 Southway , Guildford, GU2 8DQ ref: 416402/12/202402/12/2024Not for call-in
Grant agreement with SAHA ref: 415903/12/202403/12/2024Not for call-in
Castle MSCP – Front & rear staircores (x2) including lift foyer re-coating and Sainsburys walkway re-coating ref: 416304/12/202404/12/2024Not for call-in
York Road MSCP – Structural repairs to concrete corbels on Levels 5 & 7 ref: 416204/12/202404/12/2024Not for call-in
Procurement of a Stairlift Contractor ref: 416105/12/202405/12/2024Not for call-in
Subletting of Lease to BC BBU Ltd of 5 Woodbridge Meadows Guildford ref: 416003/12/202403/12/2024Not for call-in
Renewal of the Contracted-Out Lease of Rodboro Building Outdoor Seating Area to JD Wetherspoon. ref: 415803/12/202403/12/2024Not for call-in
Weyside Urban Village – Deed of Easement for underground electric cable at land adjacent to and through part of Guildford Lido ref: 415727/11/202407/12/2024Call-in expired
Right to Buy – 7 Stoughton Road Guildford Surrey GU1 1LL ref: 415502/12/202402/12/2024Not for call-in
12 month contract for Guildford Borough Council printer maintenance, toner and support ref: 415402/12/202402/12/2024Not for call-in
WUV Demolition 30 Woking Road ref: 415608/10/202408/10/2024Not for call-in
Procurement of laptops for organisation use ( Officer/Councillor devices) ref: 415302/12/202402/12/2024Not for call-in