13/12/2024 - Rent Review for 40 Moorfield Road, Slyfield

To agree the outcome of a rent review.

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision due date: 23/01/2025

Wards affected: Bellfields & Slyfield;

Lead officer: Charles Wood

Notice of decision: 13/12/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

08/10/2024 - The Bridge, Bridge Street, Guildford

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision due date: 23/01/2025

Wards affected: Normandy & Pirbright;

Lead officer: Mark Appleton

Notice of decision: 08/10/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

04/04/2024 - Clover Road and Rapleys Field Pre Construction Services Agreement and Building Contract

Appointment of contractor to design and build two of the HRA Small Sites developments at Clover Road and Rapleys Field following a competitive tender and selection process through a contractor procurement framework. The successful contractor will initially be appointed to complete the design of each project under a pre construction services agreement (PCSA). Subject to satisfactory performance and costs provided the contractor will then be appointed to build out both projects.

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision due date: 27/03/2025

Wards affected: Normandy & Pirbright; Worplesdon;

Lead officer: Simon Parsons

Notice of decision: 04/04/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

04/04/2024 - Dunmore, Broomfield, Wharf Lane and Georgelands Building Contract

Appointment of contractor to construct four of the HRA Small Sites developments at land adjacent to 21-23 Dunmore, land adjacent to 27 Broomfield, 17 Wharf Lane and 108 Georgelands following a competitive tender and selection process through a contractor procurement framework. The successful contractor will be appointed to construct all four projects under individual building contracts.

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision due date: 27/03/2025

Wards affected: Send & Lovelace; Westborough;

Lead officer: Simon Parsons

Notice of decision: 04/04/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

03/04/2024 - Shaping Guildford's Future Phase 3

An update on current progress and next phase of work relating to Shaping Guildford’s Future.

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision due date: 27/02/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Abi Lewis

Notice of decision: 03/04/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

22/06/2023 - Weyside Mitigation Strategy

Consideration of options to mitigate the identified potential financial deficit in the Weyside Urban Village scheme.

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision due date: 27/03/2025

Wards affected: Bellfields & Slyfield; Stoke;

Lead officer: Abi Lewis

Notice of decision: 22/06/2023

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - view reasons

23/12/2021 - Careline

Decision on route to market for Careline service.

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision due date: 27/03/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of decision: 23/12/2021

Anticipated restriction: Open

28/07/2020 - Off-Street Parking Business Plan

To consider the Off-Street Parking Business Plan and proposed street parking tariffs.

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision due date: 23/01/2025

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of decision: 28/07/2020

Anticipated restriction: Open