Issue - decisions

Home Improvement Grant Policy

23/04/2019 - Home Adaptation and Improvement Policy Review - Financial Assistance


That the revised Home Adaptations and Improvement Policy, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report submitted to the Executive, be approved.



The proposals:

·        benefit vulnerable residents and enable them to remain living at home safely and in their own communities for as long as possible;


·        make best use of increased Better Care Fund, provided by central government for councils to develop local responses to meet the needs of residents who require practical assistance to remain living at home;


·        meet national best practice standards, the recommendations of Foundations Adaptations and Equipment Review 2017, authorised by Surrey councils, also in line with neighbouring (and the majority) of Surrey borough and district councils;


·        have undergone thorough budget testing and are fully costed. In addition, measures are in place to regularly review budget spend, including reducing discretionary spend, if forecasting a potential overspend, to focus on mandatory grant requirements; and


·        are supported by service user groups, Guildford Care and Repair Service, Surrey County Council Occupational Therapy teams who refer to the service.


Alternative options considered and rejected by the Executive:



Details of any conflict of interest declared by the Leader or lead councillors and any dispensation granted:
