To approve the grant of a new lease of Unit 17&18 at Midleton
Enterprise Park on the following terms:
Term: 5 Years
Rent: £32,280 p.a.
Rent Free: None
Deposit: £6,456
Breaks: Tenant Option to break after 3 years
Reviews: None
Please note that this letting will also involve a surrender of the
lease currently held by Vacuums4U of Unit 35 at Midleton Enterprise
Park, dated 29/04/2022 which is a 5 year term at £14,250 p.a.
The tenant will be required to return this unit in good repair and
condition for immediate re-letting. N.b. this surrender is approved
under a separate DA.
If you have any queries, then please contact George Musgrave who
will provide further information.