Issue - decisions

Assignment of Headlease dated 14th July 1961 of the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre

10/07/2024 - Assignment of Headlease dated 14th July 1961 of the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre

The Yvonne Arnaud Theatre is held under a 99 year lease dated 14th July 1961 by the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre Trust, which is an unincorporated charity.

Due to changes in its governance structure, it has now chosen to incorporate, and The Yvonne Arnaud Theatre Trust is now incorporated with company no. 15510462 and charity no. 1208066.

Under Clause 3 (32) of the head lease the Council must provide its consent to an assignment of the lease. This delegated authority consents to an assignment of the Lease from the unincorporated Trust to the new incorporated entity. This consent will be given as a License to Assign which will be issued by the Council’s Legal Team to the Solicitors acting on behalf of the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre Trust.

If you have any queries, then please contact George Musgrave who will be happy to provide further information.