Issue - decisions

Charity Accounts 2022-23

09/08/2024 - Annual Returns for Charities 2022-23


1.       Approved the charitable accounts for the financial year 2022/2023 to be presented at a Trustees meeting for the following charities:

·        Guildford Sports Ground Charity (also known as the Woodbridge Road Sports Ground) (305056).

·        Burpham War Memorial Recreational Grounds Charity (304982).

·        Public Walks and Pleasure Grounds Charity (Allen House Grounds) (305054).

·        Arundel House (Hamilton Fellows) (200491)

·        The Mayor’s Local Support Fund (258388)

·        The Racks Close Open Space Charity (1058137)

2.       Authorised the Joint Strategic Director of Finance to convene a Trustees meeting for each of the charities to agree the accounts and annual return.

3.       Recommended the committee the Finance Transformation Officer as an administrator of all the authority’s charity accounts with The Charity Commission.


To comply with the legal requirement that the charities must submit annual returns to the Charity Commission. If the Trustee fails to submit these returns, it could result in the Charity Commission removing the charity from its register and taking further action.

Other options considered and rejected by the Committee:


Details of any conflict of interest declared by the Leader or lead councillors and any dispensation granted:
