Issue - decisions

Waverley off-street parking enforcement collaboration

16/07/2024 - Off-Street Car Parking Enforcement Contract



(1)         That the Council enters into a contract with Waverley Borough Council to provide parking enforcement services as part of collaborative arrangements. 

(2)         That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director - Place to enter into such agreement(s) as will be necessary to implement this decision.

(3)         That the Off-Street Staffing budget be increased to cover the increased establishment costs as described in paragraph 11.1 of the report submitted to the Executive.


The Council will benefit from a reduction in overhead costs but more importantly there will be improved resilience as a result of the larger parking enforcement officer team.


Options considered and rejected:

To take no action.


Details of any conflict of interest declared by the Leader or lead councillors and any dispensation granted:
