Agenda item

23/P/02015 - Hepworth Garage, Horsham Road, Shalford, Guildford, GU4 8DQ


The Committee considered the above-mentioned full application for erection of pair of two-bedroom semi-detached units and a row of three-bedroom x three terrace properties (Revised plans received 4 June 2024 – amended description).


The Committee received a presentation from the Team Leader, Justin Williams and noted that the application had been referred to the Planning Committee because more than 10 letters of objection had been received contrary to the officer’s recommendation.  However, nobody registered to speak in objection or in support of the application.  It was also noted that the objections submitted solely related to the original application for 7 dwellings and were not in relation to the revised application.  The scheme had now been reduced to a total of five dwellings. 


The Committee noted that the residential properties would be located to the north and east of the site with access off Horsham Road.  There was also an access way across the Common which served a number of other properties. The proposal would be based in a similar area to the existing building but would increase the separation distance to the eastern boundary by reduction of the built form with garden areas to the east of the site.  Nine parking spaces would be provided which was in excess of the adopted parking standards.  Planning officers were satisfied that the proposal would not materially harm the character of the area, the visual amenity of the streetscene nor the amenities of the residents in the adjacent properties.  The application was therefore considered to comply with the policies in the Local Plan and was recommended for approval.


The Committee discussed the application and received confirmation that the terrace of 3 bed properties had been reduced to 2 bed properties.  It was also noted that there were no charging points for E-Bikes or E-Cars as this was not required by legislation.  The Committee noted that residents were also given the opportunity to comment on the revised plans submitted but no objections were received.  The Committee agreed that it made sense to construct residential homes and make use of land that was defined as light industrial.     


The Committee noted the discrete access road to Mitchell’s Row and queried whether the access would be reduced in size and whether the existing parking arrangements for those residents would be affected by the proposed development.  The Committee noted that there would be no further encroachment caused by the development to Mitchell’s Row residents nor would the access be made smaller and that residents could continue to utilise their existing parking arrangements.


The Committee queried condition 7 which related to ground water or soil contamination and whether it was stringent enough.  Confirmation was received that the condition was required to enable Environmental Health to identify if contaminants were present and that this investigation would be carried out.


The Committee noted that the Head of Parks and Countryside did not support the widening of the access.  The applicant was aware that they would need to liaise with the parks team in relation to facilitating this.  It was also confirmed that the comments of one individual service such as the Parks and Countryside team were not relevant for the Committee’s consideration. owing to the fact that it was a land ownership and common rights issue.  In terms of the planning merits of this scheme, there was an existing garage and there had been some problems with parking on the verge of the existing access due to the customers coming and going during the day.  The creation of the access would therefore enable the development to take place and would reduce the traffic movements.  If the application were granted then the applicant would need to discuss with the Council whether or not they would be willing to agree to the widening of the access, but this stood independently of the planning permission.














A motion was moved and seconded to approve the application.









Cllr Pat Oven





Cllr Yves de Contades





Cllr Vanessa King





Cllr Joanne Shaw





Cllr Cait Taylor





Cllr Bilal Akhtar





Cllr Maddy Redpath





Cllr Joss Bigmore





Cllr Dominique Williams





Cllr Howard Smith





Cllr Lizzie Griffiths










In conclusion, having taken consideration of the representations received in relation to this application, the Committee


RESOLVED to approve application 23/P/02015 subject to the conditions as detailed in the report.






Supporting documents: