1. That the delegation of Executive functions set out in the revised Joint Officer Scheme of Delegation and Proper Officer Scheme (Appendices1 and 3) be approved; and
2. that the Monitoring Officer, in consultation with the Leader, Deputy Leader, and Portfolio Holder, be authorised to include any changes to the Scheme of Delegation in respect of Executive functions recommended by the Corporate Governance & Standards Committee at its special meeting on 1 July 2024.
1. An officer scheme of delegation and proper officer scheme which is materially the same for both Councils, whilst being owned by each Council in respect of their services, will help to promote more efficient joint working and will support the transformation programme by aligning officer decision making across both Councils.
2. The recommended changes will improve the governance procedures for each Council and will ensure that there is greater transparency over decision making.
3. The reductions in financial limits will ensure that key decisions are made by the Executive, thereby promoting accountability and transparency.
4. Aligning officer delegations into a joint scheme, supports the Councils Collaborative and Transformation programme and provides clarity for those officers employed to provide a joint service across both Councils.
Other options considered and rejected by the Executive:
1. Suggest amendments to the delegation of Executive functions set out in the draft Officer Scheme of Delegation and Proper Officer Scheme, or
2. Choose not to recommend that a revised Officer Scheme of Delegation and Proper Officer Scheme be adopted.
Details of any conflict of interest declared by the Leader or lead councillors and any dispensation granted:
Guildford Borough Council (GBC) and Waverley Borough Council (WBC) each had a different Officer Scheme of Delegation which was leading to a lack of clarity for members of the Joint Management Team (JMT), as they worked across both Councils experiencing differing decision levels across their services on a day to day basis.
The Executive considered a report recommending that the delegation of Executive functions be set out in the revised Joint Officer Scheme of Delegation and Proper Officer Scheme. In some respects, there were proposed changes within the revised Scheme that brought some decisions back to the Executive itself. The revised draft documents were set out in the appendices to the report.
Members of the Joint Constitutions Review Group (JCRG) had reviewed drafts of the revised Scheme at its meetings held on 25 April 2024 and 29 May 2024. This group was comprised of certain Executive members, back bench members and the appropriate officers. This matter was being considered as a part of a larger review of both councils’ governance documentation. All members of the JMT had been consulted.
The Executive welcomed the careful and diligent review that was being undertaken of GBC’s Constitutional documents. It was important that delegations were appropriate, transparent and accountable. The proposals were in line with the recommended improvements to governance as set out in the SOLACE report, which was also welcomed.
It was noted that the revised scheme and associated papers would be considered by the Corporate Governance and Standards Committee on the 01 July. An additional recommendation in that regard was set out in the Supplementary Information Sheet that would authorise the Monitoring Officer to act on any proposals received at that meeting.
The amendment to the wording set out in paragraph 2.6.5 on page 97 of the agenda pack that now referred to the disposal of non-housing land and buildings up to 0.2h was welcomed in reflection of the recent debate concerning the sale of the Blackwell Farm Ransom Strip.
The Executive,
1. That the delegation of Executive functions set out in the revised Joint Officer Scheme of Delegation and Proper Officer Scheme (Appendices 1 and 3) be approved; and
2. that the Monitoring Officer, in consultation with the Leader, Deputy Leader, and Portfolio Holder, be authorised to include any changes to the Scheme of Delegation in respect of Executive functions recommended by the Corporate Governance & Standards Committee at its special meeting on 1 July 2024.
1. An officer scheme of delegation and proper officer scheme which is materially the same for both Councils, whilst being owned by each Council in respect of their services, will help to promote more efficient joint working and will support the transformation programme by aligning officer decision making across both Councils.
2. The recommended changes will improve the governance procedures for each Council and will ensure that there is greater transparency over decision making.
3. The reductions in financial limits will ensure that key decisions are made by the Executive, thereby promoting accountability and transparency.
4. Aligning officer delegations into a joint scheme, supports the Councils Collaborative and Transformation programme and provides clarity for those officers employed to provide a joint service across both Councils.
Supporting documents: