To receive any communications or announcements from the Leader of the Council.
Heritage Open Days 2023
This year’s Heritage Open Days would take place from Friday 8 to Sunday 10 September, and had been kindly sponsored by Charles Stanley Wealth Managers. The event had also received £1,000 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
All the locations with events over the Heritage Open Days weekend offered free entry, many of which were allowing free access to areas that were otherwise closed to the public.
This diverse programme of events would include:
· walks and talks by the award-winning Guildford Town Guides
· museums and churches
· educational institutions
· galleries
· historic buildings
· a free family trail in town
Car Free Day 2023
Guildford’s Car Free Day would be held on Sunday 24 September between 10am and 4.30pm. It would be a day of celebrations and free family fun promoting a `Greener Guildford’ supported by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
Events planned would include market stalls, street food, live music and street play for children, together with lots of information and activities about how residents can help tackle climate change and be part of a `Greener Guildford’.
Ash Road Bridge drop-in sessions
Drop-in sessions would be held next month for residents in Ash who would like to find out more about the construction of the Ash Road Bridge. The sessions would be held at the Small Hall at the Ash Centre, on:
Residents could be directed to the Ash Road Bridge page on the Council’s website, which would be updated regularly during the construction of the bridge.
In response to a question as to the cost to the Council of the Car Free Day on 24 September 2023, taking into account funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, the Leader indicated that the details would be circulated.
The following questions were asked about the Ash Road Bridge drop-in sessions:
(a) Who would be attending the drop-in sessions?
Response: Representatives of Volker Fitzpatrick and the Council (including the Deputy Leader and Lead Councillor for Regeneration) would be present.
(b) Will councillors be informed of the questions asked by the public at the drop-in sessions, and the answers given?
Response: The project team would seek to capture frequently asked questions that arose during the day. However, no assurance could be given that every question and response would be captured. Responses to frequently asked questions would be uploaded to the Council’s website.
(c) Will ward councillors be provided with the information on the presentation in advance?
Response: Although the detail of the presentation had not yet been finalised, officers could share designs and the materials intended for presentation at the drop-in sessions with ward councillors in advance.
(d) How will the Council ensure that residents unable to attend either drop-in session are kept informed in a timely manner?
Response: Residents unable to attend could access a specific website which would contain all the relevant information. It was also anticipated that further letter drops to residents would be made as the project progressed. It was also understood that Volker Fitzpatrick had provided an e-mail address for residents with specific questions to ask.